
5 Best Natural Remedies for Your Baby's Constipation

5 Best Natural Remedies for Your Baby's Constipation

Do you know what constipation is and how to overcome constipation in babies using natural remedies? Constipation is something that can be very annoying and disturbing for adults. Apparently, this health problem can also be experienced by babies.

For parents, this problem need not be overly feared. Because this is very common experienced by babies. Infants who still consume breast milk will defecate once a day, while babies who consume formula milk can defecate several times a day.

Best Natural Remedies for Your Baby's Constipation by Indian Desi Mom

When babies experience constipation, parents will have difficulty recognizing it because they cannot speak. New parents recognize after some time their children do not defecate.

Some things that can cause babies to defecate are food intake. Lack of water or milk can be the cause of infants experiencing constipation.

A number of ways parents can do to relieve the constipation of the baby begin with both natural and treatment. Reporting from The Health Site, here are some natural ingredients to relieve constipation in infants.

5 Best Natural Remedies for Your Baby's Constipation

Checkout below 5 Best Natural Remedies for Your Baby's Constipation

Prune Juice

This juice is a natural laxative that can help soften the baby's stool and make it come out faster. However, this treatment can only be done after the baby is over six months old.



Raisins are foods that are rich in minerals such as calcium, iron, potassium, and magnesium. This treatment is recommended for babies over the age of one year. You can eat raisins directly or mix them with water and blend them.

Coconut Oil

In babies over the age of six months, virgin coconut oil can be consumed to help soften the stool by applying it to the anus. For babies under six months, this oil is sufficiently applied to their bottom.

Tomato Juice

Tomato Juice

Tomatoes also have benefits as a laxative. For children over the age of six months, tomato juice can be a daily diet for the sake of smooth digestion.

Abdominal Massage

The way to deal with constipation in very young babies is to do a massage on the stomach. Massage the baby's stomach slowly using coconut oil. This can relieve discomfort and pain in the stomach.

A number of these things can be a way to overcome and relieve constipation in infants. But when this method does not work, immediately consult a doctor to overcome them. If you like our article "5 Best Natural Remedies for Your Baby's Constipation" please don't forget to share it.

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