
10 Home Remedies for Glowing Skin and Hair with Milk

10 Home Remedies for Glowing Skin and Hair with Milk

Today we discuss about 10 Home Remedies for Glowing Skin and Hair with Milk. Milk is indeed a liquid full of nutrients. Rich in various vitamins and proteins that are good for maintaining a healthy body. But besides being good for consumption as food, milk was also suitable for treating beauty. Ingredients in milk such as vitamin A, B vitamins, protein, and Alpha Hydroxy Acids that are rich in benefits are also good for nourishing your skin.

Home Remedies for Glowing Skin and Hair with Milk by Cute Arab Girl

Milk has long been used as an ingredient for making various beauty products such as soap, cream, or hair care products. But if you want to get the maximum benefits of milk, you should use fresh (pasteurized) milk whose vitamins and proteins are still relatively intact. You can try natural treatments from milk quoted from different sources.

10 Home Remedies for Glowing Skin and Hair with Milk



1. Masks for Summarizing Pores

Milk can tighten open pores, so the skin looks smoother and smoother, free of blackheads. Just use a cotton bud that has been dipped in milk (or a mixture of milk and honey) then apply it evenly on the face skin with wide pores, such as the nose, chin, and forehead areas.

Let stand for 20 minutes then rinse thoroughly. Perform this treatment at least three times a week for maximum results.

2. Masks to Prevent Early Aging

Fine lines and wrinkles that begin to appear on your face can be overcome with milk treatment. You can make a face mask made from milk and bananas.

Mix banana meat that has been mashed with a little milk until it becomes a thick paste. Apply to face and let stand for fifteen minutes. After that rinse thoroughly. If done routinely can disguise wrinkles and fine lines on your face.

3. Masks for Overcoming Acne

Who would have thought that milk can also be used to cure zits? Milk can relieve inflammation in acne.

Besides milk can clean the skin gently and thoroughly. So your acne-prone skin can avoid the bacteria that cause acne.

4. Mask for whitening skin

Maybe you already know that milk can make the skin brighter. That's why some brands of beauty soaps and lotions add milk to the composition of their products. The content of Alpha Hydroxy Acids (AHA) in milk can remove dead skin cells, while the protein and vitamins overcome the pigmentation of the skin.

You can make a mask with a blend of milk, honey, and lemon which can also brighten the skin. Wipe the face with a clean towel dipped in warm water and squeezed. Let stand for 20 minutes then rinse thoroughly. Do this treatment three times a week.


Home Remedies for Glowing Skin and Hair with Milk

1. Milk bath water to smooth the skin

Vitamin A, vitamin B6, vitamin D, biotin, and protein in milk are effective for making the skin smooth and soft. To get soft and radiant skin, you can copy Cleopatra's recipe for bathing with milk.

The trick, mix 5 cups of fresh milk into warm water for bathing, add half a cup of honey and essential oils. Use it to soak. Perform this treatment once a week or twice a week so that results are quickly visible.

2. Scrub for Removing Dead Skin

AHAs in milk make this liquid suitable for exfoliation. You can make your own milk scrub by combining milk and oatmeal. Both can gently remove dead skin cells without irritating the skin.

Rub the whole body in a circular motion for several minutes, until your skin feels smooth. Then rinse thoroughly.



1. Soaking Milk

The lactic acid in milk helps to exfoliate dead skin cells and improve skin texture. This content not only brightens the skin but also makes the skin soft and smooth.

Soak feet in milk for 15 minutes. You can also add rose petals to the immersion water. Perform this treatment at least 2 days to get maximum results.

2. Baking Soda and Milk

The combination of baking soda and milk can restore the skin condition of the pigmented feet. Mix baking soda with a few drops of milk. Apply this mixture to the feet and rub gently. Leave it on for a few minutes, then rinse thoroughly.



1. Honey Milk Hair Mask

Since ancient times, honey is a natural ingredient that is widely used to treat women's beauty, from head to toe. The nature of honey that can soften very well to maintain the beauty of hair. Meanwhile, milk will provide the nutrients needed by the hair, making hair healthy and shiny. Suitable for dry, coarse or split ends.

Mix a glass of milk and 2 tablespoons of honey until blended. Apply the mask to the scalp and hair. Gently massage until smooth. Let stand for 15 minutes, then rinse with clean water and wash your hair.

2. Milk Conditioner

Milk contains nutrients that can make hair softer and more manageable. Use as a hair conditioner.

Fill the spray bottle with fresh full cream milk. Spray it on the hair, starting from the base to the ends. Comb your hair so that nothing is tangled. Leave it for about 30 minutes. Then rinse thoroughly.

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