
Anti Stress Foods: 6 Foods That Help Reduce Anxiety

Anti Stress Foods: 6 Foods That Help Reduce Anxiety

Food is one of the easiest and fastest ways to relieve stress. The main thing is not to get too carried away and not to seize on every minor nuisance, so as not to start to stress and worry about the state of your figure.

We have compiled a list of delicious and healthy Anti Stress Foods: 6 Foods That Help Reduce Anxiety

Foods That Help Reduce Anxiety by Pakistani Desi Girl

Dark Chocolate

Chocolate is a source of phenylethylamines and tyrosine: substances that affect the production of serotonin and dopamine in the body (neurotransmitters that have a positive effect on our mood). Dark chocolate also lowers levels of cortisol, the stress hormone. It is one of the best Foods for Stress Relief.


Probiotics contained in yogurt are able to positively affect the work of the areas of the brain that are responsible for emotions and sensations, as well as reduce the effect of free radicals on the nervous tissue of the brain. Good probiotic yogurt can be made independently based on bacterial starter culture (sold in pharmacies) and milk. It is one of the good Foods That Help Reduce stress.



They contain the amino acid tryptophan, due to which serotonin (a hormone of good mood) is synthesized, as well as melatonin (sleep hormone). Therefore, bananas can help not only relieve anxiety and relax, but also sleep soundly. It is one of the good Foods That Help to Reduce Anxiety.


These berries are rich in antioxidants and vitamin C, which helps to reduce the level of the stress hormone cortisol and increase immunity. Therefore, do not miss the opportunity to eat fresh blueberries and blueberries in season and make a supply of frozen berries for the winter. It is one of the best Foods That Help relieve stress.


Egg yolk is a wonderful and affordable source of vitamin D, the lack of which negatively affects the immune system, contributes to rapid fatigue, worsening of mood and can even lead to the development of depression. Now we do not often go outside, so we can only make up for the lack of “solar vitamin” with products. However, don’t lean too much on the eggs, the yolks can increase the content of “bad” cholesterol in the body. Eat eggs in moderation - 3–6 pieces per week. It is one of the anti-stress food That Help Reduce Anxiety.

Chamomile Tea

A decoction of chamomile flowers or tea with them helps reduce anxiety and anxiety. A study conducted by scientists from the University of Pennsylvania (USA) showed that chamomile has a calming effect even with generalized anxiety disorder (antidepressants are often prescribed for its treatment). This is a condition when a person experiences anxiety and excitement almost daily, while they are accompanied by severe fatigue, irritability, constant nervous fidgeting and muscle tension, as well as sleep disturbances. It is one of the anti-stress food that Help relieve stress.

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