
I Keep My Head Scarf

I Keep My Head Scarf

On a sunny afternoon, one of the best friends DesiGirlsForum visit to our office. Our friend is married and has two sons, the smallest school in kindergarten and the oldest was 8 years old. That said, our friend has a life story can motivate other women, especially DesiGirlsForum friend who wear the hijab.

Since the age of 12 years, our friend decided to wear the hijab, the consciousness of her heart, without coercion of parents. "At that time the veil is still something foreign, are only used by the students, not like now," she said with a smile.

Come when she must take in college, our friend chose the UK as a place to go to college, majored in psychology. Not difficult to get a scholarship, because our friend is indeed bright. All went well, until there is the event of 11 September 2001.

"There is a change of course, the views of citizens in the Islamic world have shifted, it's not all, but then I got an impact," said our friend. "Often people look at me quizzically, until someone asks, 'why do not you just lose your head?' I just smiled and said that this is my choice. Whatever the views of others, I stayed until I finished college and returned to Indonesia, "

At that time our friend got a lot of job offers, there is one company that according to her expertise in the field of psychology and provide a very large salary. But these companies do not receive employee who wore the veil, in other words, our friend had to take off the veil and she will immediately be accepted.

"Honestly, I was undecided. Moreover, at the same time, my mom was sick and need not cost a bit," our friend continued, "When the world offers abundant material, I still maintain what I am accountable for the future, I do not want to release hijab. I am sure there will be another way that allows me,”

And sure enough, no more than a month after our friend refused a job that requires him to open the veil, she got a job at a foundation that manages a school. "Indeed, her salary is not as big as the company promised earlier, but there is an inner satisfaction when I can apply my knowledge without abandoning what should I wear,"

Until now, we remain faithful friend wearing her headscarf. "Do not be alarmed by the notion that the veil can hinder a person's fortune, be sure to have what you decide and focus. With unyielding attitude, perseverance and prayer believe me, all will be facilitated, and the fortune will come from any door."

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  1. i realy like this article.its show us how arab living and there life style and there attitude to others. good keep it up,
