
Good Shampoo

Indian Hot Shampoo Desi Girl

Surely there are many of you, who don’t know about the benefits of warm water and wash with cold water. Well honey, read this!

Warm water

Wash with warm water is good for you who have problems with oily hair. Because it can open up the pores in the scalp, thus clearing the remnants of dirt on the scalp. But do not yap its frequency, so it can make hair dry and brittle. And remove sebum from the scalp is important for the hair. And remember, warm water instead of hot water.

Good Shampoo

Cold water

Instead, cold water is able to close the pores of the scalp so as to prevent entry of dirt. Plus, close the hair cuticle and absorbs moisture from the conditioner you use. Hair was more subtle and not easily tangled. But for those of you who have thinning hair or a lot of activity in the dry, cold water can make hair limp and does not expand.

DesiGirlsForum.blgospot.com advice

Now, after knowing the difference, now DesiGirlsForum.blgospot.com had a tip for the right shampoo. First, wash your hair with shampoo and conditioner with warm water. Then rinse with cold water the rest of the conditioner. So, the scalp free from dirt and excess oil, but keep your hair clean, soft and shiny

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