
Easy ways to Get the Best Water Quality At Home

Easy ways to Get the Best Water Quality At Home 

Best Water Quality: When you drink water at home, do you ever have doubts whether the water is completely sterile or not? Water that looks clear and clean is not necessarily worth consuming. The reason, sometimes there are bacteria and germs that are not visible to the eye. If consuming water infected with germs continuously can result in health problems. Then, how to get healthy and quality water for the family?

Easy ways to Get the Best Water Quality At Home

The water purifier is often an option to purify water so that it is free from bacteria, metals and other impurities that are not visible to the eye. Here are some uses of water purifier you need to know.

Get Rid Of Bacteria And Viruses In Water

Every drinking water consumed is very influential on one's health. The reason, drinking water is one of the media spread of a disease that often occurs. It is written in the WHO (World Health Organization) Water Quality Guidelines contained in Chapter 7: Water Quality Guidelines Issue 4.

Infectious diseases caused by pathogenic bacteria (E. coli, Salmonella), viruses and parasites are most common due to drinking water consumption. The role of water purifier here serves to get rid of the bacteria or virus contained in the water using filtering technology has. Some water purifiers have multiple filtering technologies to ensure that water is in proper drinking and healthy condition.

Filtering Heavy Metal Content

Did you know if the drinking water consumed every day potentially contain metal? Chemical substances, heavy metals from pipes to water systems contribute to heavy metal content that is not good for health. This can be minimized by the use of water purifier with filtering stage technology designed specifically to filter the heavy metal content in water.

Produce Safe Drinking Water

Water purifier is not only useful for cleaning water from bacteria or heavy metal content. But it is also beneficial to produce safe water consumed, mild, mineral-rich and has a pH in accordance with WHO-defined standards.

Then, how to find water purifier which has some benefits above?

Buying a water purifier cannot be picky. There are a long-term commitment and full trust that must be given to a product for the sake of family health. Inspired by this, Cuckoo Indonesia presents water purifier products that can be purchased with the rental system.

Toh Seng Lee said if the rental system has a regular service every 4 months. Later, if the rental period runs out, the water purifier product will be fully owned by the customer. Cuckoo itself will also continue to upgrade the water purifier product installed in the home or office customers and ensure it can operate optimally.

With the rental system offered, you can try to satisfy the water purifier product from Cuckoo without worrying. So, if you feel fit with the product, at the end of the lease you can directly have it. Long-term commitment given Cuckoo is one way that is done to pamper consumers in Indonesia.

To realize the sale of the rental system, Cuckoo Indonesia plans to expand the Service Team network throughout Indonesia. This water purifier product itself is produced directly by Cuckoo Electronics in the Busan and Seoul factory line, South Korea.

There are 3 water purifier products from Cuckoo that can be an option at home or office. Icon products are designed sleek and stylish, family-friendly Fusion Top as well as Marvel with space slim design that is extra slim without a water tank. Which one is the choice?

Buying products from Cuckoo provide long-term investment, because of the service for every customer. This service is a visit and Natural Care Service by changing the water filter every 4 months. Followed by a professional 1 to 1 service, steam sterilization for tanks and water taps, checks at 15 points on the dispenser to make sure all parts work properly until additional service is steam sterilization on the cutting board and kitchen sink.

Here is the schedule for replacement of the Cuckoo water purifier filter that should be recorded. Every 4 months (replacement of Sediment Sieve, every 8 months (replacement of Pre-Carbon Sieve), every 12 months (Natural Filter replacement), every 12 months (Nano Positive replacement).

Now get the best water and quality at home more easily with the Cuckoo product that has the latest technology with 6 stage filtering. Coupled with the rental system and Natural Care Service offered, no longer need to hesitate to try it at home or at the office.

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