
7 Common Habits of Chronically Unhappy People

7 Common Habits of Chronically Unhappy People

Habits of Chronically Unhappy People: The definition of happiness and the level of happiness are a complex and individual question, like the concepts of unhappiness. To reach the last state there are ways that lead us to unpleasant sensations. Having identified them in their behavior, we can help ourselves to be happy, even for a moment longer.

Habits of Chronically Unhappy People by Cute Expat

We talk a lot about happiness, how to achieve this state and stay in it longer. In the end, about how to be happy always and do not miss it for a second.

Happiness is a very ephemeral concept: everyone knows about it, sometimes it feels, but it takes only a few moments and you are not sure whether you were happy. Or was happy, but compared to what?
So, what are common ways for everyone to feel unhappy? Here are 7 Common Habits of Chronically Unhappy People

The Pursuit Of Excellence
It's always difficult if you are a perfectionist. It is very difficult for such a person to achieve a state of happiness because even the path of achievement must be ideal. There is always someone who, in the understanding of a perfectionist, is still better in something - a house, an apartment, a career, a family, a hairstyle, after all. Moments of happiness for such a person are very fleeting and rare - only when he felt that he had performed something ideally, and until he saw that someone had done it even better.

Communicating with People Who Are Always Unhappy With Something
Man is a social being. We cannot completely renounce other people and live as hermits, not listening to anyone or be hearing anything. Those with whom we communicate have a rather big influence on us.

How can you be happy if people around you constantly say that life is a terrible thing and mostly unfair and cruel?

Its one thing when such things are said on the case (the situation in the country, the crisis, etc.), but it's completely different when such thoughts and opinions are predominant and concern absolutely everything. Such interlocutors should avoid and exclude this information noise from their field. If this is your inner voice, then you have to seriously work on yourself.

Constant Thoughts About The Past And Future
The rule "here and now" everyone knows. Focusing on the thoughts of the future or the past, we lose the sense of the moment that occurs at the most important time, in time "now". Usually, we always focus on something negative, and much less often we remember pleasant moments. Usually, it's thoughts about why we did not work, why we were denied, why we did not do it right, and what was right at that time.

Old grievances, failures - all this bites off a savory piece from our sense of happiness "here and now."

How can you be happy, remembering and analyzing failures? For everything there is a time - sank, analyzed, drawn conclusions and move forward!

Comparing Yourself And Your Life With Others
The other always has something better, even if in other aspects of life it can be much worse than you. In general, a constant comparison with oneself is not a good habit. And the more often you are better, the more painful it will be if someone is better than you. Often people generally begin to compare themselves with a huge number of people around, and each one necessarily has something better. As a result, your self-esteem may fall below the skirting board. And if this will be repeated often enough, the psychiatrist's reception and loss of friends will be provided to you.

Focusing On The Negative Moments In Life
Do not go far - go to your grandmother or wait in line, where many retired and aunts of pre-retirement age, who draw the main news from TV programs and radio.

As a result, all the talk about constantly being stolen, killed, dismissed from work, and "best" friends take away other people's wives and wives from under their noses. Then the monologue on the topic "Under the USA was not like this" follows standardly. But normal people treat this calmly and with slight apprehension, realizing that this is part of life. My grandmother lives in this every day, and this news for her is life itself.

Yes, the lives of our grandmothers will not be envied, but we still have the strength to change something. For example, stop obsessing over everything negative.

Dependence On The Opinions Of Others
Before you do something, you always think: "What will people think (say)?".

You may feel that you are at the center of attention of some people, and by violating standard boundaries and standard behavior you will launch a condemnation mechanism.

If you are trying to do something new, then you do it secretly from your society. You may think that the source of the negative reaction of others is you, absolutely without thinking about the fact that it is possible that someone just had a difficult week. The constant glance back and a sidelong glance at others (what will they say, how will they react?) Very clearly hinders personal development. And once it interferes with development, it means that it hinders being happy.

Complication Of Life
Life is a very interesting thing, yet incredibly complex. But the most interesting is that most of all the complexities and "insurmountable" obstacles we create ourselves. Some simple fixes on the "if, then" algorithm in its most negative manifestation.

What Do We Do With This?
Curb your perfectionism and set clear deadlines for implementation, realizing how much you invest and what you get at the exit;
Try to protect yourself from the negative, at least TV and radio, limit communication with the "donkeys" and find new acquaintances with positive thinking;
Learn to let go of time; stop constantly comparing yourself with others and switch to comparing yourself today with yourself yesterday, and become a little kinder;
Learn to find more positive around even in small things;
Do not look back at someone else's opinion, striving for self-development and expanding your consciousness;
Not to complicate life for himself and others, starting at least to get rid of the rubbish in the apartment (and at the same time in the head);
Try to avoid unnecessary conflicts, spend more time with friends, enjoy walks and breathe in full breasts, driving away stress and negative thoughts!

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