
5 Bad Habits That Can Damage Your Teeth

Bad Habits That Can Damage Your Teeth by Young Desi girls

When was the last time you checked your dental health? Hmm, still many of us who have not actually regularly check the health of your teeth right? If we did not have enough time to check our teeth, it helps us do healthy habits and leave the bad habit. As reported by webmd.com , there are at least 5 bad habits that can damage teeth.

Bad Habits That Can Damage Your Teeth

1. Mostly Snacking

When snacking, saliva generated would be less than when the big meal. What are the consequences? The result is that the leftovers will be stuck in the teeth for a long time, many hours later. Especially if you like to eat a sweet snack or contain a lot of sugar. If your hobby is snacking, try to always clean or brush your teeth after snacking.

2. Fruit Juice Drink

Fruit juice is good for health because it contains vitamins and anti-oxidants. Unfortunately, we still often choose to drink juice mixed with sugar. Though suah fruit has enough sugar content. Fruits are already sweet, so if you want to drink fruit juice, sugar should not add more to it. Or add more water.

3. Opens Bottle Caps Wrap or with Teeth

Teeth created to help us chew food properly. Opening a bottle cap or plastic wrap using a tooth can make our teeth cracked or even broken.

4. Drinking Soda and Coffee

Can of soda contains 11 teaspoons of sugar. In addition sodas also contain phosphoric and citric acid can eliminate tooth enamel. What about diet soda? Diet soda may contain less sugar, but could contain more acid in the form of artificial sweeteners. And for the coffee, the coffee can leave stains and make your teeth become yellow.

5. Chewing Ice Cubes

Ice cubes is sugar free, but that does not mean chewing ice cubes do not have a bad impact. Chewing ice cubes can make a tooth is cracked or broken. Not to mention the ice cold temperatures can make it so much easier sensitive teeth. If indeed you've really wanted to chew ice cubes, you can replace it with sugar-free gum.

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