
6 Ways to Easily Relieve Severe Nausea in Pregnant Women

Ways to Easily Relieve Severe Nausea in Pregnant desi Women

Pregnancy is the most beautiful time in one's life. During pregnancy a lot of joy going on in your life. One of the most easy to find is the nausea that occurs mainly in the morning.

Increased estrogen and hormone thyroxine be one cause of your nausea. Sometimes in some women, sometimes lasting up to severe nausea. Therefore to avoid it, you can do some of the following home care.

Ways to Easily Relieve Severe Nausea in Pregnant Women

Get Plenty of Rest
If you are pregnant, you are advised to have a lot of time off. Rest will make your body relax and minimize fluctuation of hormones that can cause nausea stomach.

Waking up Slowly
When waking from sleep, get up slowly. If you wake up suddenly, then there is a jolt that will shock your body and can make you sick.

Eating a Healthy Diet
When pregnant, avoid foods that can trigger nausea. One of them is caffeine. Caffeine is proven bad for you because pregnancy can increase the acid in the stomach which will aggravate your nausea.

Increase your Physical Activity
Physical activity you do can reduce severe nausea because physical activity will facilitate your body's metabolic system so that you avoid nausea.

Avoid too Much Use of Computers
Small print size on the computer can make you dizzy and it will improve you to feel nausea worse.

Consumption of Ginger Water
Ginger juice is a natural herbal remedy to lighten the symptoms of nausea. In addition the fluid is able to avoid dehydration.

Nausea that occurs while you are pregnant can weaken the state of your pregnancy because you can wasted nutrients. Therefore you can avoid it by applying the easy way.

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