
American Medical Association: Obesity is a Disease

Obesity is a Disease by Indian Aunty

After conducting a long debate with the other experts, the American Medical Association (AMA) finally decided officially that obesity classified as a disease.

During this time, the experts are still unsure about whether obesity is included in the disease or even health risks due to lifestyle.

American Medical Association: Obesity is a Disease

Obesity, disease or not?

Some people who agree that obesity is a disease that has a strong enough theory. Just as diabetes is caused by the body's inability to control blood sugar levels, obesity is also referred to as the state in which the body cannot balance the energy.

On the other hand, there are many who argue that obesity is a disease. Those who disagreed said that many people who have excess weight but stay healthy and live a normal life. So obviously obesity is not a disease.

As reported by the Daily Mail, the AMA decision to categorize obesity as a disease was still opposed by some parties. But representatives of the AMA does not change his decision.

"Now try to compare obesity with lung cancer. Most lung cancers are caused by smoking sufferers. Lung cancer was already clearly categorized as a disease. So if obesity is also caused by an unhealthy lifestyle, is not it also supposed condition categorized as a disease? " AMA representative said.

Obesity itself is defined as someone who has a body mass index exceeding 20 kg. Cases of obesity is higher in number in the United States. Although medical experts have often warned residents to maintain your diet and lifestyle, but the number of cases of obesity did not decrease.

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