
7 Foods You Must Eat to Increase Sperm Count


7 Foods You Must Eat to Increase Sperm Count

Are you looking for some best Foods You Must Eat to Increase Sperm Count? Male reproductive health is something that should be an important concern. This is especially so in men wishing to have offspring.

One of the things that are important in reproductive health is in the form of food choices. A number of foods can have a very positive and negative effect on male reproductive health.

Foods You Must Eat to Increase Sperm Count by Arab Girl

A number of sugary foods, fast food, and preservatives can greatly affect the condition of sperm. Conversely, healthy food consumed can also have a very good effect, especially on sperm health.

The right food can make the sperm have the right number and move swiftly in fertilizing the egg. Reporting from The Health Site, here are seven healthy foods that have a positive impact on sperm health.

7 Foods You Must Eat to Increase Sperm Count

Healthy Foods You Must Eat to Increase Sperm Count


Fish is high in vitamin B-12, which is essential for increasing sperm movement. This vitamin also increases sperm count and reduces sperm-induced DNA damage.



Orange is a fruit that contains vitamin C in it. Research has shown that oranges can improve sperm movement, count, and morphology. Apart from oranges, fruits that have this benefit are kiwi, watermelon, pineapple, and mango.

Green Leafy Vegetables

Green leafy vegetables contain vitamin B which is needed by the body. These foods also help to produce stronger and better sperm.

Dark Chocolate

Dark Chocolate

Dark chocolate is one type of chocolate that is known to have many extraordinary effects. This chocolate contains arginine, an amino acid that can increase sperm count and quality over time.

Dairy and Yogurt

Dairy and yogurt products like cheese have vitamin D in them. This vitamin content can increase testosterone which can increase sperm movement.

Seeds and Nuts

Seeds and Nuts

Whole grains contain vitamin C, a nutrient that increases testosterone levels in the body. Meanwhile, nuts contain antioxidants and vitamin E which can improve sperm quality and protect it from problems.


Chicken contains coenzyme Q10 which is an antioxidant. These cells are needed by all living cells to function normally. Its consumption can also improve sperm quality.

This row of foods can have a very positive impact on sperm health. For men, consuming a number of these foods can have a very good impact on their bed life.

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