
10 Popular Myths About Leaders

10 Popular Myths About Leaders

Are you interested to learn about 10 Popular Myths about Leaders? Let these ideas not prevent you from unleashing your potential.

1. All Entrepreneurs Are Born Leaders

10 Popular Myths About Leaders by Desi Pakistani Girl

In fact, just the fact that you got a cool idea in time doesn’t mean anything by itself. Even if you founded your own business, it is not a fact that you are an ideal candidate for a managerial position.

To be a leader means to have your own vision and to make others believe in it, to reveal the talents of employees, to listen and influence. If a person realizes that he himself does not have such skills, it is quite possible that it is worth transferring the reins of government to another. For example, they did it on LinkedIn.

2. The Leader Should Not Be Weak

Many continue to believe that by acknowledging their guilt, changing their course of action or listening to others, they will show weakness. That the "real" leader in any situation is obliged to stand his ground. However, this is far from the truth.

Strong leaders acknowledge their mistakes in order to learn from them. They accept feedback, even if it is negative. Recognize that they do not have all the answers. And they demonstrate humanity by listening to others and caring for employees.

3. The Leader Must Be Hard And Cold

Surely you at least once had to work with a man who tried to seem inflexible, boasted of his omnipotence and placed himself above the rest. And it is unlikely that under his leadership you and other employees had good results and high motivation.

Employees want the leader to be genuinely interested in their well-being and respect them, kindly listen to their thoughts and problems. To strengthen these skills, work on emotional intelligence . This will help you better understand yourself, become more sensitive to others and build mutual understanding with the team.

4. Extroverts Drive Better

There is a stereotype that extroverts are more sociable and confident, and introverts are closed and shy. But extraversion and introversion are more related to how a person processes information. Extroverts solve problems by discussing them with other people, and introverts hold information within themselves.

And it seems not surprising that extroverts are attracted to leadership positions, because they need to communicate a lot with people. But this trait alone does not guarantee that a person will become a good leader. And among the successful leaders there are many introverts - take at least Bill Gates, Warren Buffett and Barack Obama. So if you are an introvert, do not think that leadership is not for you.

5. Leaders Do Not Need To Develop Leadership Skills

10 Popular Myths About Leaders

Their acquisition and strengthening takes time, as well as for any other skills. If you are tempted to say that you simply do not have time for this, try to distribute it differently. For example, get up half an hour earlier, group similar tasks and do them together, delegate the less important to others. This frees up the time you can spend reading, taking courses, or working with a mentor.

6. Leadership And Management Are One And The Same

In fact, there are quite a few differences between them:

  • Managers set goals - a leader creates a vision.
  • Managers maintain an established order - the Leader makes a change.
  • Managers control risks or avoid them - the Leader is ready to take risks.
  • Managers work on short-term goals - the Leader is focused on the overall situation.
  • Managers build systems, and the leader builds relationships.
  • Managers set tasks and give directions - the leader instructs.
  • Managers have subordinates - the leader has dedicated associates.

It is very important to understand this difference. Then you can strengthen either leadership or managerial skills - depending on what you are missing. Or look for a person who will complement you.

7. All Leaders Must Be Innovative

This in itself is not bad. Innovators are ambitious and assertive, they are willing to take risks and are focused on the goal. But at the same time, they are usually very independent and find it difficult to work with other people.

It's great if you know how to captivate customers and investors with extraordinary ideas, but do not forget to keep in touch with employees, recognize someone else’s talent and work together.

8. Employees Will Never Trust The Leader And Tell Him The Whole Truth

If you break down or punish for unpleasant news, it is unlikely that employees will willingly go for frankness. Learn to control your emotions. After you get the bad news, focus on finding solutions, not accusations. Make it easy to feedback. For example, conduct anonymous polls. When you don’t need to be afraid of the consequences, people are more likely to share their real opinions.

9. A Good Leader Is Ready To Roll Up His Sleeves And Take On The Dirty Work

Yes, there are times when you need to work side by side with employees and help cope with some kind of crisis. But first of all, the leader should focus on decision making, prioritization and responsibility.

The remaining tasks should be automated, delegated or outsourced so that you do not waste mental and physical strength in vain. Remember that you are pushing things forward with your own work, rather than doing the work of others.

10. The Leader Must Always Be In Touch

Any person, regardless of position, needs to relax. If you check your mail and work tasks on weekends and holidays, you are on your way to burnout. Do not forget to spend time with loved ones, play sports, and try new hobbies. This will help clear your head and relieve stress. As a result, you will not only feel calmer, but also at work will be more energetic and creative.

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