
10 Extraordinary Foods That Can Help to Overcome Anemia

10 Extraordinary Foods That Can Help to Overcome Anemia

Anemia is a condition that you experience when red blood cells or hemoglobin is not enough in the body. When this happens, the body cannot pump enough oxygen into the blood.

There are several types of anemia that may occur, but iron deficiency is the most common thing. This can occur due to poor diet, menstruation, or certain health conditions.

One condition that makes someone more susceptible to anemia is when pregnant. This certainly can be very disturbing to their pregnancy because of the side effects of anemia.

Extraordinary Foods That Can Help to Overcome Anemia by Pakistani Cute Desi Girl

To overcome this anemia problem, changes in eating patterns or consumption of supplements can be done. Reporting from The Health Site, the following foods are able to overcome anemia.

1. Vegetables and Meat

1. Vegetables and Meat

1. Green Vegetables

Vegetables such as spinach or kale are excellent sources of iron. Unfortunately this food also has a fairly high oxalate content, an ingredient that prevents absorption of iron. Therefore, you should consume these foods together with rich content of vitamin C.

2. Red meat

Red meat or especially lamb is the best non-vegetarian source of iron. Eating meat with iron content can help increase its absorption.

2. Offal and Seafood

2. Offal and Seafood

3. Heart

The liver is one of the best sources of iron. In addition to iron content, the liver also has excellent folate content. The body parts of other animals that are also rich in iron are the heart and kidneys.

4. Seafood

Some seafood such as oysters, clams, and shrimp are excellent sources of iron. Avoid eating foods that are rich in iron and calcium together. When these two ingredients are mixed, the absorbing ability is reduced.

Extraordinary Foods That Can Help to Overcome Anemia

3. Peas

3. Peas

5. Food with additional nutrients

Foods with added nutrients, especially iron, such as juice or cereal, can be very useful. Take these foods to increase your body's iron intake.

6. Peas

Peas are the right source for both vegetarians and non-vegetarians. These foods have many benefits including increasing iron intake.

4. Grains and Poultry Meat

4. Grains and Poultry Meat

7. Nuts and seeds

There are various types of nuts that are rich in iron. Some types of nuts and seeds that are rich in iron are pumpkin seeds, cashews, and pistachios.

8. Poultry

Even though it has lower iron content than red meat, this food is still a good choice. In particular, ducks are the best iron-containing poultry.

5. Eggs and Vitamin C

5. Eggs and Vitamin C

9. Eggs

Eggs have various benefits in the body including meeting iron needs. Consume this food with whole wheat bread to maximize its nutritional content. Avoid consuming this food with tea or coffee because it can absorb the iron content in it.

10. Vitamin C

Vitamin C is one of the most important nutrients to overcome anemia. Although not high in iron, foods with vitamin C can help absorb these nutrients more optimally.

All these foods have enormous benefits in overcoming anemia. Consume regularly, especially for those of you who range from this problem.

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