
How To Stop Spending All Salary In The Supermarket

How To Stop Spending All Salary In The Supermarket

Do you know How to Stop Spending the Entire Salary in the Supermarket? Life hacking for those who come for bread, and comes with full packages. We will teach to act rationally and in cold blood in supermarkets.

Before going to the store

Make a list of products

How To Stop Spending All Salary In The Supermarket by cute Karachi Desi Girl

It is necessary to prepare not only for large-scale purchases of provisions but also for the campaign for bread for dinner. If you do not have a clear plan, you can bring home anything. And the bread can remain in the store, and then you have to go there again. And again to buy a bunch of unnecessary things, and so in a circle, can you imagine?

Next time be more reasonable and make a list like this:

1. Bread.
2. Go home

It is better to prepare the list not before going to the store, but in advance. Add products to it as soon as you find that they are over. So you will not forget anything.

Record products by category. Try to match them in order with the zoning of the store: if in your supermarket the first zone of fruits and vegetables, start the list with potatoes and apples.


First, supermarkets use zonal aromatization to enhance the pleasant and stimulating smells of food: fresh pastries, coffee, and citrus fruits. Secondly, when we are hungry, it seems to us that we need to buy a little more, for the future. Here and the list cannot save, and instead of one loaf of bread, you buy two.

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Schedule shopping time

Haste will lead to the fact that you will pay attention to the brightest or unusually decorated products. That is, to do exactly what marketers want from you. And the interests of marketers and buyers often do not coincide.

Leave the children at home or talk about the rules with them.

In supermarkets, they know that it is very difficult to refuse children, and they use this: they place the brightest goods at the level of their eyes. So in your basket are glazed cheese curds, chocolate eggs with surprises and Chupa Chups.

If you can not or do not want to leave the children at home, it is enough to speak the rules in advance. For example, only the parent has the right to put the goods in the basket, the child can ask for purchase once, no scandals in case of refusal.

How To Stop Spending All Salary In The Supermarket

Take a limited amount of money and leave the credit card at home

You have already made a list. You probably know the approximate cost of the products that are included in your consumption basket. Calculate everything, add 10% just in case, take the amount in cash and go to the store. So you will have fewer temptations to put something in the basket just because you really wanted to.

In the shop

Take the basket, not the cart

Trolley made specifically for you to buy more. This is again a marketer trick: we feel discomfort while the bottom remains empty. That is why its area is constantly growing.

Some supermarkets have only carts. In this case, proudly reach your eco-bag and use it instead of a basket.

Avoid bottlenecks

Most likely, you have noticed that in some places of the supermarket often queues of buyers are formed. While you wait, you will carefully examine the goods on the shelves nearby and will most likely grab what you were not going to buy.

Keep left

Usually, in the store, we move “along the right lane”. This is customary because this is how traffic is organized in our country. As you already guessed, on the right racks in the supermarket is all unnecessary, but very bright. On the left, we notice only those products that are at eye level.

Become an exception to the golden shelf rule

“Golden” is a shelf at a height of from 1.2 to 1.7 meters, which are at the level of the eyes of most buyers. Places on them are most often occupied by those products that are more profitable to sell to the supermarket. Pay attention to less promoted products in the upper and lower shelves.

Check prices

When we look at the total amount in the check, the expectation and the reality do not always coincide. This happens for various reasons - you misunderstood the conditions of the promotion, the price tags on the shelf shifted, or the buyer shifted the goods, and the store employee did not have time to return it to the place.

To prevent this from happening, use a price checker. In most supermarkets, it is a stationary device, which stands somewhere among the maze of shelves. If you cannot find it, contact your dealer.

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