
How to Overcome Back Pain Problems? Expert Tips

How to Overcome Back Pain Problems? Expert Tips

Back pain is a common problem experienced by almost everyone. This is especially true for those who work in sitting positions for long periods of time.

There are several ways to overcome this problem of back pain and pain. Reporting from source, according to experts, this is a way to protect yourself from this back problem.

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How to Overcome Back Pain Problems? Expert Tips are mentioned below:

"The back is a complex structure with many soft parts, but with proper handling and healthy lifestyle habits - including lifting weights appropriately, good posture and exercise - it is very possible to prevent back pain that is generally caused by sprains," explained Dr. Lawrence Lenke from the Spine Hospital at New York-Presbyterian in New York City.

For more complex spinal problems such as scoliosis, stenosis, cracks, or injury, Lenke says that medical interference is sometimes necessary.

"But everyone who has or does not have a spinal problem can benefit from a healthier lifestyle to strengthen the spine," he explained.

The lifestyle suggested by Lenke to protect the body from these back problems is as follows:

- Maintain a healthy weight, don't smoke, do warm-up exercise and strengthen muscles and increase flexibility in your back and abdomen and do cardiac strengthening exercises. If your work requires a lot of sitting, then stand up and walk every 15 to 30 minutes.

How to Overcome Back Pain Problems

- Keep your posture ideal even when sitting. Don't bend or advance your head. Make sure your feet support the body, the hips are in a position that is equal or slightly higher than the knees and the spine rests slightly. Try to have a slight bend in the lower back.

- When sitting in front of a computer, the shoulders should be relaxed and away from the ears. The elbow must be on the side and bend around 90 degrees and the wrist in a natural position. The head must face forward without going too forward.

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- When using a cell phone other than to call, don't look at it by advancing your head or lowering your neck too much. Bowing your head at 45 degrees can make the neck feel a weight equivalent to 23 kilograms.

- When lifting weights, make sure the object being lifted is completely balanced and placed precisely so that the load does not move. Make sure the load stays close to your body and don't rush. Bend your hips and knees and use your legs to lift weights. Keep the right posture with your back straight and head above.

You can apply a number of these tips to keep your body from developing back problems. If you like article about How to Overcome Back Pain Problems write down your feedback.

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