
Color Blindness Test: Most Important Things You Need To Know About Color Blindness

Color Blindness Test: Most Important Things You Need To Know About Color Blindness

Color Blind is a condition that causes a person to not be able to see certain colors or difficulties in distinguishing colors. A simple test can detect this color blindness.

Conical cells located on the retina of the eye are where one distinguishes various colors. This cone contains pigments that contain this purpose so that if there is a missing part, our view will not be able to recognize certain colors correctly.

Color Blindness Test by desi pakistani babes

According to the American Academy of Ophthalmology, color blindness is usually passed on from mother to son. But when this condition emerges later and not from birth, this occurs because of certain diseases, trauma, the effects of poisoning from metabolic diseases, or vascular disease.

There are three different types of color blindness and color blindness test depending on what pigments are affected. The most common problem is red-green blindness, while the second common blindness is blue-yellow.

The third type is total color blindness which is indicated by the inability to recognize colors in total. This type of blindness is very rare and can be called achromatopsia.

Color Blindness Test: Most Important Things You Need To Know About Color Blindness

Light is one factor that is related to the severity of the condition. A person may be able to see colors clearly under good lighting but can have problems recognizing them when the light dims.

Until now, there is still no cure for this problem of color blindness. This symptom of blindness can lead to complications from the middle to severe levels if not properly diagnosed.

Many people do not realize that they are actually people who are color blind. In fact, someone who is color blind cannot do certain special jobs that rely on color differences.

"We have many children who grow up without knowing that they have problem of color blindness. The main causes is to having problems in learning."

Although there is still no cure, there are now a variety of devices that are useful for increasing people's sensitivity to color. For example, there is a smartphone application that was developed to help colorblind people by installing filters in the image.

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