
The 6 Most Important Nutrition During Breastfeeding To Avoid Weakness in New Mother

The 6 Most Important Nutrition During Breastfeeding To Avoid Weakness in New Mother

Breastfeeding is an important and hardest part of the role of a new mother. The reason is that breastfeeding does not often make the mother's body become easily weak. And this fatigue can be felt even more if the body is not supported by adequate nutrition.

The 6 Most Important Nutrition During Breastfeeding To Avoid Weakness in New Mother

Not much different from the conditions when pregnant, even when breastfeeding a mother must eat foods and drinks with balanced nutrition. Because the body burns 500 calories every day to produce breast milk. If there is insufficient daily nutritional intake, the body is prone to fatigue.

Here are the nutrients that must be in the daily diet of a nursing mother, as quoted from the Parents website.

1. Folic Acid

New mother
is advised to take folic acid to avoid the baby from the risk of brain defects. When breastfeeding even folic acid is mandatory in the mother's diet. Because the intake of folic acid is very important for the development of the baby's brain at the age of the first three months.

During this period, babies can only get folate intake through ASI. Because it's important for mothers to eat foods rich in folic acid or special supplements.

Some food sources that are rich in folic acid are whole wheat, spinach, okra, papaya, cauliflower, and mushrooms.

2. Liquid Intake

According to Nancy Hurst, Ph.D., RN, director of lactation services at Texas Children's Hospital Pavilion for Women, a high supply of liquid makes the amount of breast milk produced increased only a myth. However, adequate fluid consumption is also important for the mother.

Fluid intake helps mothers recover faster from postpartum physical stress. Besides that, enough liquid also plays a role in maintaining energy levels.

3. Multivitamins

In addition to eating healthy foods, mothers must also be equipped with multivitamins. Ideally breastfeeding mothers get an intake of 400 mineral microgram from supplements for women. Multivitamins can also reduce the risk of stress due to lack of opportunity to eat during the day.

What is a suitable multivitamin, you should consult with your mother's obstetrician?

The 6 Most Important Nutrition During Breastfeeding To Avoid Weakness in New Mother

4. Calcium

If the body does not get enough calcium mineral intake, the body will take it from the mother's bones to ensure breast milk contains enough calcium for the baby.

Milk, cheese, yogurt, orange juice, and broccoli are some food ingredients that can help to meet maternal calcium needs every day.

5. Omega-3 Fatty Acids

Increase consumption of fish because it is rich in omega-3. Omega-3 is not only good for the mother, but also for the baby's growth and development. According to Lori Feldman-Winter, MD, a pediatrician in Camden, New Jersey and a spokesman for the American Academy of Pediatrics, omega-3 fatty acids are important for children's brain and eye growth.

You can get the intake of omega-3 fatty acids from oily fish. Some of them are mackerel, sardines, anchovies, salmon and cork fish.

6. Lactation Support Food

Food ingredients that can help smooth milk such as Moringa, soybeans, wheat, fenugreek, and fennel can help enrich nutrition and milk production.

If you are reluctant to eat it directly, now you have started a lot of lactation snacks from the ingredients already mentioned. For example, lactation cookies.

Thus various nutrients that are important to support the energy of breastfeeding mothers. Make sure that your needs are met every day so that your mother's condition is always excellent.

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