
6 Reasons Why Pregnant Women Often Experience Headaches During Pregnancy

6 Reasons Why Pregnant Women Often Experience Headaches During Pregnancy

Headaches During Pregnancy: There are many women who have been experiencing frequent headaches during pregnancy. Some of the causes may be due to hormonal changes. In addition, here are other causes of frequent headaches during pregnancy as reported by thehealthsite.

6 Reasons Why Pregnant Women Often Experience Headaches

Lack of Sleep
Hormonal disorders during pregnancy can also affect the difficulty of women to sleep. As a result, a headache will appear.

Lack of fluid intake during pregnancy will make a woman dehydrated. And dizzy so one of the effects. The best way to tell if a headache is due to dehydration or not, take 1-2 glasses of water while breathing deeply. If this headache occurs due to dehydration, then the headache is not easily lost in some time.

Reasons Why Pregnant Women Often Experience Headaches

A prolonged hunger will also cause a decrease in blood sugar and headaches. So during pregnancy, you are advised to always provide healthy snacks.

Hormonal changes that occur collectively during pregnancy can also be a cause of depression. And the headache is the logical result. To relieve a headache, try to routinely do yoga and meditation.

Limiting Caffeine Consumption
During pregnancy, mothers are advised to limit coffee consumption. And this will make a headache often appear at the beginning.

Hypertension during pregnancy or preeclampsia is also often the cause of headaches. And this can weaken the health of the baby.

Headaches that often appear during pregnancy should not be you. If you often experience is accompanied by blurred vision and nausea, consult a doctor immediately.

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