
Research: 4 Easy Ways to Prevent Cancer Attacks

Research: 4 Easy Ways to Prevent Cancer Attacks

Cancer is still a scary disease to be heard even with the advances in medical technology, an attempt to cure this disease through medical pathways can be done.  According to research quoted from boldsky, scientists are currently trying to extract cancer killer cells taken from blood cells.

Easy Ways to Prevent Cancer Attacks by desi Girl

"Currently we are conducting trials of curative therapy conducted once a week for 5-6 weeks of trial time, we focus on pancreatic cancer," said Alex Blyth, lead researcher from LIfT Biosciences.

Although medical efforts continue to be developed, preventing cancer from an early age is necessary. Still from the research, here is a natural easy way to prevent the attack of cancer.

 4 Easy Ways to Prevent Cancer Attacks

Diligent Chewing Raw
Garlic contains an important compound called the allyl sulfur. This substance will stimulate the immune system so it can act as a natural defense against cancer.

Snacking on Brazil
Nuts Brazil Nuts are one of the super healthy beans. The content of selenium and minerals in it helps in fighting the growth of cancer cells.

Increase Consumption of Vegetables Cruciferous
Vegetables cruciferous such as broccoli, cabbage, or cauliflower containing phytochemicals, vitamins, minerals, and fiber that helps to fight cancer.

Busy whatever you try to always bask in the morning sun. Because the sun that later turned into vitamin D helps reduce the growth of cancer cells. This is an effective way to prevent cancer such as breast cancer, colon cancer, prostate cancer, ovarian cancer, or stomach cancer.

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