
Benefits of Coconut Water and Egg Whites for Beauty Care

Benefits of Coconut Water and Egg Whites for Beauty Care by desi girl

Below are some benefits of coconut oil, water, egg whites and lemon to beauty.

Egg Whites

In addition to consumption, egg white turns also has good benefits for skin care. Try Collaborate egg whites with yogurt to make the skin moist, soft, and fresh.

Coconut Oil

One of the secrets to look healthy and beautiful is coconut oil. In addition to good skin and hair, coconut oil is also beneficial for weight loss, you know! Regularly consume 4 tablespoons oil mixed with salad or green tea can be a powerful way to lose weight.

Coconut Water

In addition to coconut oil, coconut water also has its own benefits for our skin. Coconut water is excellent for hydrating the body because it contains a lot of minerals in it. No wonder that we drink coconut water, the body will immediately feel more refreshed.


Lemon also has good benefits for skin care and body health. High content of Vitamin C in it can make the face look more natural bright. Try searching lemon mask recipes are easy to do at home. But not only the face, lemon is also beneficial to help brighten nails turn yellow due to the use of nail polish, you know! How, live cut a lemon in half and rub it gently onto the nail. Perform routine yes!

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