Want to be healthy of course, because everyone would want to
be healthy until old age and longevity. Milk became one of the ways to make the
body healthy. Although there is research that says that after the expiration of
the real human babies do not need milk, other studies show the health benefitsof milk for and maintain bone strength.
Unfortunately, the desire to make a person healthy often
consumes excessive quantities of milk. Recent research has shown that people,
who consume more than 3 cups of milk every day will not impact healthy, can
actually increase the risk of death. The study was conducted in Sweden,
reported by dailymail.co.uk.
Type of sugar found in milk can cause inflammation and
oxidative stress, which can damage the body's cells. Sugar content of lactose
and galactose in milk was higher than that of other dairy, yogurt or cheese for
example. Therefore, the researchers recommended that a person consumes just 1
to 2 cups in one day.
Drinking milk can also lead to excessive cell damage, immune
disorders to premature aging. Women who drank more than three glasses of milk a
day increases the risk of death by 2-fold compared to women who drank only half
a glass of milk every day.