Drinking fruit juice is as healthy by eating fruits. But
there is a fundamental difference between the two, in which the fiber of the
fruit can be reduced when one uses a juicer.
Reported by Yahoo Shine, consider to prevent the major
mistakes you make with your juicer, following:
Room Temperature or Refrigerator Temperature
Crave fresh juices preferably fruit or vegetable from the
fridge immediately washed, cut and made into juice. Research says that the temperature
will raise 10 degrees juice when used as a juice.
Allowing Big Cuts
It would be much easier if you cut the fruit or vegetable
with current small size will make the juice. In addition to speeding up the
process, the result will be more tender and juicer prolong life.
The Flavors were not balanced
Make sure you combine the juice with a balanced flavor.
Avoid choosing juice to taste too acidic due to pick up all the ingredients of
Store the Juice in the Fridge
The juice will be a maximum when blended drink immediately
after. Avoid storing in the refrigerator because it will occur chemical
reaction that could reduce the quality of the juice.
Get healthy life with diligent eating fruits and vegetables.