
5 Facts About The Unique Feelings of Anger That Must Be Known

5 Facts About The Unique Feeling Of Anger That Must Be Known by Expat Desi Girl

What often makes you angry? Work in the office is not finished? Friends who sucks? Or even congestion that often you meet on the street? Whatever the cause, it turns angrily save a lot of unique facts behind it.

These are the facts behind anger as reported from care2 dot com.

Anger can be caused because of a strange thing
Many people who describe that anger is a reaction of something that happened in them. But actually it's much more than that can cause anger. One is traumatic. In addition, when in an uncomfortable situation even as hunger, pain, hot air, until dehydration can also easily provoke anger.

Anger is a normal thing
Angry is one of the most basic human emotions. Because anger is a response to things that are not normal or perceived harm to that person.

Letting it is the easiest strategies to overcome anger
Anger often leaves you confused to deal with it. There are times when you want to take it out in order to feel relieved. But often the situation you face is not controllable. If you face it, the best way is to let the anger. For one thing to remember is that anger is a temporary situation.

Men and women have different ways of expressing anger
Men are more easily vent their anger both impulsive and physically. While women are more difficult to express the anger and the duration is may be longer.

Angry affect your health
If you include people who are easily upset, should reduce the trait. Because according to some scientific studies, anger can increase the risk of heart disease and stroke.

That's some unique facts you should know about anger.

Anger is a normal emotion that everyone was doing. But what sets it apart is the level of anger within each person.

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