
5 Great Health Benefits of Broccoli

Great Health Benefits of Broccoli by Indian Woman

Broccoli is not only contains a lot of nutrients, but also contains important substances that are very useful for health. In general, as the vegetable broccoli does contain nutrients that the body needs to maintain fitness. But other than that, broccoli also saves a lot of special benefits for your health.

Benefits owned broccoli will make sure to add your green vegetables in your daily diet. Here are some specific benefits that hiding in broccoli, as reported by the Health Me Up).

Great Health Benefits of Broccoli

1. Preventing Cancer
Broccoli contains sulforaphane, an anti-cancer agent that will directly attack the root of tumor growth. so, broccoli also eliminate H. pylori in the body, which is the bacteria that increase the risk of cancer. Broccoli also contains indole - 3 - carbinol, an antioxidant and anti - carcinogen that is known to decrease the growth of breast, cervical, and prostate.

2. Bone Health
Broccoli contains calcium which is very high and can help maintain bone health. Not only that, it also contains a lot of vitamin K that will make the bones stronger and prevent osteoarthritis.

3. Heart Health
Broccoli contains carotenoid lutein, which is known to slow down and prevent thickening of the arteries that can lead to heart disease. In addition, broccoli also contains B6 and Folic acid who are maintaining heart health and reduce the risk of heart attack.

4. Eye Health
Carotenoids lutein present in broccoli prevents age-related eye disease, and cataracts and macular degeneration. In addition, broccoli is also a source of vitamin A which is very good and important for eye health.

5. Boost Immunity
Broccoli gives the intake of beta -carotene and minerals are very much on the body which helps boost the immune system. Broccoli also helps protect the body from various diseases and infections.

Those are some great benefits that are hidden in broccoli. This turns the cute green save substantial health benefits. Do not hesitate anymore to eat broccoli every day.

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