
How Much Caffeine is Allowed in a Day?

How Much Caffeine is allowed in a Day by Indian Desi Aunty

Coffee has long been known as a beverage energy generation. You are therefore advised to consume coffee every morning because caffeine can make your body always alert and awake.

However, most coffee is not good for health. If you consume too much caffeine can cause heart palpitations because of the caffeine substances will stimulate the heart to be more active. Therefore, as reported by fitsugar.com, the amount of caffeine intake per day recommended is 300 mg, equivalent to 2-4 cups of brewed coffee. If more than that, in addition to causing heart palpitations you will experience insomnia, anxiety, headaches, and digestive problems.

How Much Caffeine is allowed in a Day

In addition there is in coffee, caffeine is also found in tea. Suggested consumption amount is 36 mg for black tea and 20-30 mg for green tea.

Caffeine is important as power and allows us to become more focused in doing the activity. However, in order to limit their consumption does not cause problems for health.

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