According to recent research smoking weed is not only
affects physical health, it can also make people more lazy and reduces their
motivation. Researchers found that cannabis can affect parts of the brain
associated with motivation problems.
Previous research shows that smoking pot can make a person
become apathetic. While current research indicates that marijuana can destroy dopa-mine, the chemical in the brain that makes people excited.
The amount of dopamine in the brain called the striatum seen
lower in cannabis users. This is what makes marijuana users become more lazy,
because dopamine associated with the person's motivation.
"Our findings explain why marijuana makes people just
sit and not do anything. This could also explain why marijuana users did not
seem to have the motivation to do anything," said Dr. Michael Bloomfield
from Imperial College London, as reported by the Daily Mail (01/07 ).
Although this research was conducted on the users who
experience a strange sensation and feeling paranoid when using marijuana, but
the researchers argue that these results also apply to the majority of cannabis
users. Even so, they will do more research to confirm these results.
Previous research found that marijuana users have a higher
risk of mental illness associated with schizophrenia. It is believed to be
related to the chemical dopamine in the brain's cannabis users.