The scientists say that the health and nutritional causes of
high and slender woman could have more children than those with short stature.
Studies conducted by the University of Durham was followed
two women community in The Gambia. The study also challenged the notion that
the low mortality rate in the West has prevented natural selection, and that
the evolution of the human race has been stopped.
Data collected by the Medical Research Council, UK, between
1956 and 2010 are used as supporting information for residents of two villages
in the Gambia. The researchers also collected data regarding the overall height
and weight of women.
During the study, both communities experienced significant
demographic shifts - from high mortality to fertility rates dropped
dramatically. However, a study published in the journal Current Biology, could
not determine exactly why it happened.
Expected, better health can determine whether or not a woman
to reproduce. There is evidence that a similar trend is also seen in the UK,
although for different reasons.
The study found that tall men tend to have more children and
women with lower body weight also tend to have more children.