
Fruit Juices Can Lower the Blood Pressure

Fruit Juices Can Lower the Blood Pressure

According to new research, drink a juice glass can lower the blood pressure.
In these studies, it is evident that enjoys 250 ml beet juice can make high blood pressure returns to normal. Researchers also reported in the journal Hypertension.

Savor the beet juice can be directly felt at least three to six hours and no later than the day after.

Side effects of drinking beet juice are just one, which will turn the urine pink.

According to researchers, the nitrate content in bits widens blood vessels so that blood flows more smoothly. Nitrate itself is usually found in the soil which is then absorbed by the plant through the roots to help growth.

However, researchers from Barts Health NHS Trust and the London Medical School who has analyzed the efficacy of fruit bits in a year considers that more research still needs to be done.

"We were quite surprised how small the amount of nitrate can provide tremendous benefits," said researcher Dr. Amrita Ahluwalia, as quoted by the BBC.

Given this research, the researchers also suggested that people eat more vegetables and fruits that are rich in nitrates to lower blood pressure.

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