
4 Reasons Women Fear of Falling in Love (Again)

Reasons Women Fear of Falling in Love (Again) by Pakistani Desi Girls

I'm afraid of falling in love again. Hmm! That is a sentence that is actually pretty annoying to hear. Actually what hard it anyway fall in love again? Around us living a lot of interesting people and have an advantage. Many good people are so beguiling, thus why falling in love is so hard?

Actually there are several things that cause women afraid of falling in love (again). And for those who have not experienced it directly, it is indeed difficult to understand. However, it appears to some, trauma imprint inside it so difficult is removed. Assistance and support needed to make one bold spirit to fall in love again.

If you have a friend who is suffering from it, learn four things cause fear of falling in love follows, before contributing her spirit.
4 Reasons Women Fear of Falling in Love (Again)

Still loves ex

Though the former has a shortage, but for some people it is not easy to forget. There are always so big or small things that remind him. It also became one of the reasons, how difficult to move to another heart, and sometimes make people afraid of falling in love again.

Fear of falling in love with other people because they are afraid of losing, fear cannot go back, and fear cannot have. The reality is, even now in fact the relationship is finished, so it should be realized that it really is no longer the former lover.

Fear of hurt

This may arguably still part of the 'cannot forget the former'. The pain and frustration that confidential forgotten make fearful step into a new relationship. Fear will feel the same pain, or more, up to feel comfortable with solitude and without commitment.

Many people end up choosing for reasons of fear alone heartache. It lho, heartache and frustration is one of the diseases that cure rare and expensive, even if you already have a partner just hurt it cannot be lost. There are also people who still bring up for life, and hold a grudge against a former lover.

Fear less

Love was a free will, we could never guess to who we will fall in love. Consequently, when unrequited love, there is an incredible sense of frustration. And this abandonment makes someone afraid to fall in love. Especially when it has a physical deficiency, or has an uncertain experience. It does make one feel inferior, loss of confidence, and likely closed.

The danger, as this personal experience thus more often disappointed and dejected on closedness and not believes him. Constantly going back and without defense shield and make it lose others can conquer himself freely.

Experience broken home family

One of the biggest reasons, a fear of falling in love is the experience of the family or someone close to failure in relationships. Especially when it is the fragile and closed, this tends to keep everything in his mind itself. It would tend to think themselves and refused to discuss, in the end most of the things he found in his own inferred. Even when a relationship from the nearest person or family fails, it assumes that commitment is a scary thing. Falling in love is a specter that should be avoided, which will only bring heartache.

How to deal with people who are afraid of falling in love? Or maybe yourself who are experiencing that?

There are four cases presented by a clinical psychologist named Mansi Hassan, as desigirlsforum by Indiatimes. According to him, in the face of "fear of falling in love 'someone should ....

One. "Do not worry about it much longer, the better carried on alone. It sounds cliche, but this is the best way to not make it as a burden," says Hassan.

2. You never know until you try it right? You are brave to try and cope with anything, forget the past, say hello to new people, and new then you can take action.

3. Remember that hurt means you're learning to heal yourself. If you never get hurt and disappointed, then you would not know how to cure themselves and take every lesson from that.

4. Expect less. This is the hardest thing, but people are often disappointed those hopes are too high.

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