
Red Fruit and Vegetables Can Reduce Risk of Breast Cancer

Red Fruit and Vegetables Benefits by Arab in Veil

Reporting from geniusbeauty.com, an institute of cancer research and convey that directly or indirectly, your diet affects breast cancer risk in each person. In women, diet affects as much as 50% and 30% in men.

Researchers acknowledge that the role of the modern lifestyle and dietary each person more influential in preventing tumor formation significantly. The risks of breast cancer could be resisted with a variety of fruit and vegetables with red, yellow and orange. This is evidenced by the 8 studies involving 3000 women diagnosed with cancer and 3900 women with good health.

Red Fruit and Vegetables Can Reduce Risk of Breast Cancer

Mentioned that the carotenoid pigments in vegetables and fruits helps enhance immunity, eyesight and suppress tumor growth. So, there is a direct relationship between the amount of carotenoids in the blood of women and reduced risk of breast cancer.

Well with the results of this research, we should start eating vegetables and fruits, especially red like papaya, carrots, tomatoes and so on. What kind of food like this is believed to reduce the risk of many diseases and, of course, breast cancer?

So from now on, let us regulate our lifestyle to be healthier and protected from various risks of serious diseases. Reduce stress, doing regular exercise and consume a lot of red fruits, Ladies.

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