Reading motivational books or self-help book turned out to
be a really powerful way to relieve depression. The study found that patients
who read motivational books have lower levels of depression after four months.
Interestingly, reading motivational books can also prevent the depression
coming back.
These findings obtained by researchers at the University of
Glasgow after studying 200 patients who were diagnosed with depression. Half of
those taking antidepressants and some are given motivational books. The book
shows you how to relieve depression and depression of various aspects, eg sleep
Books used in this study are based on the principles of
cognitive therapy and behavior therapy commonly used in depression by a
psychiatrist. This book is recommended by the National Institute for Health and
Clinical Excellence (NICE) to treat depression.
The result, after four months of reading this book patients
had decreased levels of depression and had mood is getting better, as reported
by the Daily Mail (28/01).
This discovery is certainly very interesting and helpful for
those who find ways to overcome depression without medication. Although not
using the recommended book research, but there's nothing wrong with using other
motivational books to relieve depression.