
Japanese Restaurant Serves Food Made from Mud

Pakistani Girl in Japanese Restaurant

Quittez Ne Pas, a French restaurant located in Gotanda district, Tokyo issued a unique new menu. The restaurant is famous for its high quality seafood is identifying new menu policy fueled mud. Yes, absolutely dirt.

Some new dishes made of mud among other policy materials are potato powder, mud soup, one with dressing mud, mud fish bass with risotto, gratin, ice cream, and mint tea from the mud.

Mud served directly exported from Sri Lanka and India is bought through protoleaf enterprise. Mud and soil that made cooking ingredients were tested for cleanliness and security is consumed.

Japanese Restaurants Serve Food Made from Mud

About like what type of dishes you taste made ​​of mud? Reporter RocketNews24 writes low sense behind each dish made ​​of mud. According to the evidence, there is no sense of any mud or soil slightly in each dish, and on risotto, soup of mud, or in the salad dressing.

The same thing happens on mint tea made from mud. Mint tea though in appearance it looks like muddy water, but her tea flavor very blessings.

Actually do not be surprised if this will feel delicious dishes made with policies despite the mud, because chefs are making Toshio Tanabe chef was trained in France and worked at several five-star restaurants.

Want to try to eat food and drink from this mud? You should spend their money of USD 110 in advance. Though apparently fueled mud, this dish has a price that is not in play.

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