
Electronic Cigarettes Can Reduce Smoking Addiction

Smoking Addiction Indian Professional Desi Girl

Many active smokers are switching to electric cigarette smoking lowers their addiction to cigarettes. However, a recent study says that electric cigarettes do not actually reduce the addiction. Moreover, electric cigarettes are also harmful to health.

As reported by the Daily Mail, electric cigarettes are considered dangerous because it also contains nicotine as regular cigarettes.

Electronic Cigarette also called the E-Cigarette, a tobacco product that works by burning liquid using a battery so that the vapor into the user's lungs.

Electronic Cigarettes Can Reduce Smoking Addiction

Although not using tobacco, but the results of the steam flow that is electric cigarette nicotine thus endangering the health of users. Moreover, one would be more difficult to eliminate bad habits, namely smoking.

The Ministry of Health conducted a study Italian even mention electric cigarettes do contain fewer toxins. But it needs to be underlined that the statement does not mean that electric cigarettes are completely safe.

Meanwhile, Roberta Pacifici of the National Health Institute also agrees that electric cigarettes do not give any advantage to the smokers.

"We have to do the prudent approach towards the product so we do not know its value. Then trying to explain to people that smoke the electric cigarette is also dangerous because it is quite toxic," Pacifici said.

Pacifici also suggested that electric cigarettes are not used by young people. In addition, the electric cigarette packaging should have the information and clearly defined so as not to carelessly smoke by teenagers.

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