
Drink Tea to Reduce High Blood Pressure

Drink Tea by Pakistani Lahori Girl

Drinks or foods that contain caffeine are usually not recommended for people with high blood pressure. But this does not apply to tea, as a study conducted in Japan showed that compounds in tea may inhibit blood pressure. The results were published in the Journal of Physiological Anthropology, reported Newsmaxhealth.

Ai Yoko and her team from the University of Shizuoka discovered that a compound in tea called L-theanine, can significantly inhibit the blood pressure. In addition, L-theanine can reduce tension and anxiety in a test conducted on volunteers who joined in the study.

Drink Tea to Reduce High Blood Pressure

In a separate study, Australian researchers found that people who ate walkin cups of tea a day can lower blood pressure an average of two to three points compared to those who did not drink tea. The study was written in the journal Archives of Internal Medicine published in January.

In addition to L-theanine, tea contains flavonoids that can improve the health of blood vessels, reduce body weight and abdominal fat. Have not drink tea today?

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