Most women who are pregnant will know immediately to avoid
coffee. They worry that the caffeine in coffee will adversely affect their
pregnancy. In fact, research shows that eating a little caffeine is not harmful
to pregnant women.
Research conducted by the American College of Obstetricians
and Gynecologists (ACOG) in 2010 showed that the consumption of caffeine to 200
milligrams a day will not have a negative impact on pregnant women.
"After observing some research, not enough caffeine has
adverse effects on pregnancy, and not cause premature birth," explained
William H Barth Jr., of ACOG, as reported by WebMD (21/07).
Approximately 200 milligrams of caffeine is usually equal to
12 ounces of coffee, but coffee drinkers should be wary because of the caffeine
content of each type of coffee can vary. Suppose that Starbucks coffee contains
320 milligrams of caffeine.
"One cup of coffee a day, or two cups of green tea and
black is not a problem for pregnant women," said Sami David.