
Prescription Anti Staying up for the Insomnia

Prescription on Anti-Insomnia by Pakistani Desi Student

Insomnia is not fun. Disturbed biological clock, so spotty face, lack of concentration and sleepiness at inappropriate times. And for women, sleep is important to support the health and beauty. If you have trouble sleeping, try the tips below.

Prescription Anti Staying up for the Insomnia

1. Sport

Regular exercise is important for all aspects of life including the bedroom. Doing exercise regularly and correctly will expedite metabolism and blood circulation so that it easier to sleep and when you wake up refreshed.

2. Food

There are some foods that you should avoid before you sleep. The food is heavy and caffeine should be avoided. Most eating and satiety can torture your body. Eating fruits, vegetables and drinking milk can stimulate you to sleep easier at night.

3. Turn off the lights

Ignore the fear of ghosts and other mysteries. It is precisely sleep in the dark is very healthy. Turning off the lights when you sleep helps you sleep soundly and rest your body properly.

4. No Earphone

Some people love to use earphones to listen to music and radio. If you want a better quality sleep soundly and sustainably, you should sleep with a quiet situation. The music you listen to affect the performance of the brain and make you not sleep well. If you want to listen to music, use a small volume of the radio or tape and not using earphones.

5. Relax

Keep a horror movie, story books, laptops and focus on activities before bed. A minimum of 15-30 minutes to allow your mind to rest. Do not be too focused to sleep, but still the mind and body. Wash hands and feet before going to sleep is not just to keep you know, but it can help you sleep soundly.

One of the frequent mistakes constantly so we could not sleep was the intention. It takes faith to get used to sleep early and get used to the process of closing his eyes which sometimes have an hour but not sleepy, too. Maybe you're still not relaxed enough to sleep. Try listening to soothing music to start your sleep therapy, after which it began to reduce the intensity of listening to music until you just need silence to sleep. Good luck and good night's sleep, Ladies.

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