
Healthy Cooking Tips

Healthy Cooking Tips by Desi Aunty and Desi Girls

Not all fats are bad really. Recognize HDL, the good fats and beneficial for the body.

Which kind of fat is obtained? Generally good fats that can be obtained through several materials of vegetable fat, such as olive oil, coconut oil, vegetable oil, and all are made from vegetable oils.

Here are some healthy cooking tips that can be practiced at home, let's see.

Healthy Cooking Tips

Tip 1:

Choose vegetable oils for cooking, but avoid excessive consumption.

Tip 2:

These materials are materials that whole grains are rich in fiber, B vitamins, magnesium, and zinc. And the materials are very good to help care for heart health and lower cholesterol.

Tip 3:

Add different colors of vegetables and fruits as your cooking ingredients. With the diversity of color, the more nutrients will vary as well so that the body gets enough nutrients injections.

Tip 4:

Carefully choose the meat. Select the part that is not too much fat. For instance, the chicken breast, to select meat that is not a lot of the whites.

Tip 5:

Fixed select non-fat for all dairy products. The content of calcium in dairy products is very good for the bones. Keep in mind that as we grow older, the need for calcium is also not reduced, so that the nutrients calcium should be given at any age.

Tip 6:

Portions must be maintained. Avoid eating excess calories in the body in order to keep control. Similarly, when cooking, limit your portions so you do not lose control when eating.

Tip 7:

Do not use artificial sweeteners for cooking. Better to use honey, cane sugar, corn sugar is much safer.

Tip 8:

Use natural MSG. Hmm ... what is natural MSG? Actually MSG naturally occurs in some materials that are all around us. And the material can replace artificial MSG you normally wear.

What is the natural MSG? You can find it from reban shrimp, tomatoes, and mushrooms.

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