
Fast Food Causes Low IQ in Kids?

A study of Goldsmiths, University of London has shown that children who are given more fast food will have a lower IQ than those who regularly eat foods that are freshly cooked.

Nutrition in childhood affects long on IQ, factors other than intelligence and social status. The study was conducted at 4,000 Scottish children aged three to five years.

They were divided into groups of 'fast food and freshly cooked'. Researchers examined whether the major food they eat every day affect cognitive ability and growth.

Researcher Dr. Spohie von Stumm of the Department of Psychology Goldsmiths found that parental socio-economic status is higher more often give their children food from fresh ingredients, that will be a positive effect on IQ.

Socio-economic status of lower associated with children who ate fast food, which affects the lower intelligence.

"It is a common thing when the type of food we eat will have an effect on brain development, but previous studies only looked at the effects of specific food groups in IQ than the general type of food," he said.

"This study will provide evidence to support many campaigns aimed at reducing the number of children who ate fast food in the United Kingdom," he explained.

"These children show lower results on tests of intelligence and often had to struggle in school. Schools located in disadvantaged areas should provide a balanced diet to children so that they can reach their cognitive potential," he said.

"The freshness and quality of food is more important than just satisfied, especially for children who are young and still growing," he said.

Similar findings in Australia in August. In the study, healthy foods push intelligence toddlers. Toddlers who consume foods and sugary drinks are not so brilliant when they grow up.

At the age of eight, children who ate fast food have a lower IQ by up to two points than those who eat a healthy diet, based on studies conducted at the University of Adelaide.

Another study, from the U.S., published in the Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health in 2010, showed that children who ate fast food such as pizza, potato chips, and biscuits under the age of three years may have a lower IQ than those a home-cooked meal with fruits and vegetables.

These children were examined five years later, and their lower IQ scores five points from his friends who eat a healthy diet. The researchers speculate that the negative effects of fast food in early life may not change in the future due to the development of the brain are blocked.

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