
Salt Diet Not Always Good For Health

Salt Diet by Indian Bengali Desi Girls

Ever heard salt diet yet? Salt diet is a diet program that aim to lose weight by cutting all kinds of cooking salt strips. In short, we are asked to limit the intake of salt in everyday menu. Ouch!

Some people who have run this salt diet declare that their weight down drastically. But generally they are easy to feel thirsty. "I used to never try anyway, but often feel excessively thirsty. Agency also drowned, finally I tried other diet programs," says Tephi, the end of a university freshman cities.

Only light body so drowned after cutting salt intake. Salt itself is a very important source of iodine for the body and can prevent the body exposed to mumps.

According to WHO, at least in a day, at least recommended intake of salt 1 tsp. More different in European countries that organize daily salt intake limit of 2 tsp.

Salt Diet Not Always Good For Health

It is clean, the advantages of salt intake is also not good for the body. Besides can cause dehydration, heart attacks, and strokes, also cause high blood pressure. But, it does not mean the overall intake of salt should be stopped. Precisely because in one study showed that when people do not consume salt cholesterol rate actually increased.

So how good is that?

Stop salt intake can trigger the disease and other problems in the body. However, reducing the number of intake in the daily menu can help balance and maintain body health.

Order rate constant iodine balance and body can lose weight, this should be done:

* Reduce consumption of fried foods
* Avoid frozen foods or instant, better choose fresh food
* Avoid snack-snack with preservatives and contain high sodium
* Adding salt while cook rice is an ancient custom only. Will not alter the taste of rice, so you do not have to do it again

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