
Healthy Benefits of Sleep, Preventing Obesity and Be Smart

Benefits of Sleeping by Punjab Modern Desi Girl

Do you have to maintain the quality of sleep each day? The average adult needs 7-8 hours per day for sleep. Although these activities are considered lazy and a waste of time, enough sleep will make an impact for good health. Launched by the Better Sleep Better Life, here are some of the benefits of sleep.

Benefits of Sleep, Preventing Obesity and Be Smart

Immune Boost

When asleep, the body will repair the damaged cells simultaneously producing additional protein molecules that help strengthen one's ability to fight infection. In other words, sleep will boost your immune system and repair damaged cells.

Keeping Heart Health

When someone runs their daily activities, cardiovascular system (heart and blood circulatory system) will work continuously under pressure. During sleep, the cardiovascular system work will be reduced. Enough sleep every day will keep your heart health, maintain blood pressure, control the amount of bad cholesterol and reduce the risk of stroke.

Reduce Stress and Prevent Anger

Lack of sleep can trigger emotions and become irritable. With enough sleep, a person will be quieter, have better emotional, and lower stress levels. Do not underestimate the stress due to the pressures of life or matter at hand. Stress can trigger high blood pressure, migraine, accelerate the aging process and harm the heart.

Improve Memory and Concentration

Learning to not sleep before the exam or test is the wrong choice. Sleep will make a person more concentration the next day, making it easier to solve the problem and improve one's understanding. Sleep can also improve one's memory. So, if you want to test a success, learned a few days earlier, and sleep well.

Maintaining Weight Loss

Sleep helps regulate the hormones responsible for controlling appetite. Research shows that sleep deprivation affects the appetite improved. Unfortunately, it tends to increase appetite refers to fatty foods and high-calorie causes of obesity.

Reduce Diabetes Risk

Various studies point to the fact that sleep deprivation can lead to type 2 diabetes. Research The Division of Sleep Medicine of Harvard Medical School showed that they were up to 4 hours of sleep every night will make the glucose is processed more slowly. While those who slept less than 5 hours a day raised the risk of diabetes.

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