
Benefits of Green Beans for Health

Benefits of Green Beans for Health by Desi Indian Aunty

 As a citizen of Indonesia, almost everyone grew up with pureed green beans. Porridge with sweet taste is often given to meet the nutritional needs of children in Indonesia. The little green beans can be enjoyed not only the kids, because the health benefits are great for everyone at any age. Reporting from Hubpages, this is a great benefit of green beans.
Benefits of Green Beans for Health

Mineral Resources

Green beans are one of the foods that become a source of minerals. Some important minerals contained therein are potassium, magnesium, folic acid, zinc, iron, and phosphorus. Potassium and magnesium are essential for maintaining heart health. Folic acid and iron is important for the health of women, especially pregnant women and nursing mothers.

Rich in Fiber

Green beans are also a source of food that is rich in fiber, both soluble and insoluble fiber. Insoluble fiber helps keep the digestive system in order to stay healthy and reduce the problem of constipation. While soluble fiber helps lower bad cholesterol in the blood and maintain blood sugar levels.

Sources of Vitamin C

Not many people know that green beans are good sources of vitamin C. Vitamin C is essential for maintaining health, preventing disease and boosting the immune system. Vitamin C also speeds up the healing of illness such as fever, sore throat, colds, and flu. The same benefits you can get from green beans that have been grown into sprouts.

Rich in Protein

As a nutrient that can build your body, you should get adequate protein intake every day. Unlike animal protein often still contain saturated fat, green beans are one good source of vegetable protein without the saturated fat content. A bowl of green bean porridge that was not too sweet is a healthy source of protein.

Good For Heart Health

Other great benefits of green beans are good for heart health. Eating green beans regularly helps lower bad cholesterol and increase the flexibility of the arteries and veins. Thus, green beans very well help regulate healthy blood pressure.

Having Detoxification Effects

Green beans have the benefit of body detoxification and increase metabolism. In natural medicine in China and India, the green beans are often recommended for detoxification (expenses toxins) in the body and cure chronic diseases. Green beans also have anti-inflammatory properties (anti-inflammatory) that can help the healing process.

Lose Weight

're trying to lose weight? Green beans are low in calories (origin not cooked with rich coconut milk and sugar) is a source of fiber that can give a sense of fullness for longer. That way, the desire to snack will be captured. Eating green beans can launch a bowel movement at the same time suppress hunger. You will avoid high-calorie snack foods or fatty foods.

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