
Tips for Choosing and Storing Avocados

Beautiful Khan Desi Girl Telling about Avocados

Avocado is a pear-shaped tropical fruit with green or blackish skin and rich yellowish pulp enclosing a single large seed, which is sometimes avoided because of fat content. Well, the avocado is the same as olive oil, which can increase levels of HDL or good cholesterol is called the. HDL can help protect the body against free radicals, which can regulate triglyceride levels and prevent diabetes.

In addition, there are many other benefits of avocados, among them: the protein content and Karotenoidy which is also good for the body. Meanwhile, vitamin C and E in avocados can help keep your skin moist. Well there are many merits of an avocado. Now, we will help you select and save the avocado to keep it fresh when they want to consume. Consider the following tips so.

Tips for Choosing and Storing Avocados

Tip 1:

A ripe avocado tree is the best quality, but usually the most frequently encountered in the store or the market is still immature. Well, if you have this you should select is the weight of avocados, dark green skin color and there are no defects in the skin of the fruit.

Tip 2:

In order to cook faster avocado, do not need to be washed after purchase. Wrap with newspaper and keep it away from sunlight. Within 2-3 days to ripen avocados, her skin is soft and tender.

Tip 3:

Sometimes, it's not a big avocado eaten alone. As a result after the split, half of which must be saved. But the color will turn black and it seems to be less fresh.

Overcome this, you can use lemon juice. Squeeze lime juice over the avocado flesh, put the avocado into the plastic and wrap tightly. In this way, the avocado will stay fresh at least up to 2 days. These tips can also be used for avocado chopped or juiced, just add a little lemon juice to black color does not change.

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