
Essential Eye Care Tips for Vacation

Eye Tips For Desi Girls

Want to always look fresh and free from the daily boredom. Let a vacation!

And a vacation was not just merely going to the beach or the mountains; this holiday is a good time to spoil the eye. How do I?

Method 1: Use a cold spoon

The cold temperature of the metal objects to help expedite blood, reduces redness, eye swelling and helps to manage.

It's easy, pretty cool spoon in ice water, then use as eye compress. Repeat until you feel more comfortable.

Essential Eye Care Tips for Vacation

Method 2: Chamomile, Green tea and black tea

Already know the benefits of tea rich in antioxidants? Well, besides drink, tea is also good to compress. Components of caffeine can help refresh the skin. Plus tannin, which serves as a refresher as well as a natural moisturizer?

The trick is to boil the tea bag for 3 minutes, let stand. After a rather cold, store in refrigerator for 3 minutes. Remove and use as an eye compress for 15 minutes. Eyes will be much fresher.

Method 3: Cold Milk

When the cold water can help blood circulation, well this time we add the benefits of fresh milk to soften, moisturize the skin, and treat skin irritation.

Pour the fresh milk into a small bowl, soak two cotton sheets in it and then store in refrigerator about 30 minutes. Use as an eye masks and let stand for 10 minutes. Repeat as necessary. Share the way to a

Method 4: Pieces of cucumber

Ascorbic acid which acts as vitamin C in cucumber is good to hydrate and cool the eyes, caffeic acid, can help reduce puffy eyes and swollen so that the swelling in the eyes will slowly deflated.

Allow a few slices of cucumber in the freezer, then use as a compress eye about 10-15 minutes. It was a cold will relax, and smell as well as mineral content would be cool and make the eyes more comfortable.

Method 5: Egg whites

Already known that the egg whites to help moisturize, soften the skin, and reduce frown lines on the face. In addition, egg whites are also high in vitamin B2 or riboflavin, also called a function to help accelerate blood circulation.

The aroma may be a little uncomfortable, but its effects can be felt when it's done quite regularly. The trick, egg whites and pulaski strain on the area under the eyes, around the eyes. Let stand for 15 minutes then rinse with cold water. Besides relaxing, it helps tighten the skin around the eyes.

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