
Stop the Violence in Baby & Child!

Pakistani Home Desi Girls

A mother figure that we know its soothing, speak words of kindness and always warm embrace of their hearts. Mother, a person who is the first teacher to educate their children. We know a word that Paradise is under mother’s feet, but it was said that a mother is the 'hand extension' of God to give abundant love in the world. Yes, being a mother, not merely a matter of status for women, there is a huge responsibility there, relating to the life of their hearts.

We often hear stories from our friends that the job of parenting is not easy. Patience is key, especially when treating infants and toddlers who cannot express what they desire. We understand that some women experience fatigue, lack of understanding of the psychological effects of violence on children, worry about social problems (rising prices), quarrels with her husband and others to be one reason why a mother so easy release of emotion in their hearts. But whatever the reason, a mother not welcome physical violence on infants and children.

Stop the Violence in Baby & Child!

Physical Violence in Danger Baby & Child

"The baby is still small right, will not remember what happened to them," a very confused notion. Thus the times of infants and toddlers are a golden time to keep the memory of how they are treated. So with the children, they will always remember how they treated, how they grew up. This is some danger of physical violence on infants and children, some of us took from the previous article.

Physical injury: beatings, pinch, kick, hit with a certain thing will leave the container on the physical child. Pain, scarring, growth disorders, permanent physical disability or even death due to bleeding or rusaknya subsidiary organ of the body part.
Children often suffer physical violence will likely do the same at a later date. They are more likely to be aggressive and treat the matter as a justification for never experiencing the same thing.
Barricaded himself and did not want to mingle with the community is also one that is found as a result of physical violence of children. They become antisocial difficult to blend with the surroundings.
Children who experienced physical violence also have lower levels of intelligence and a lower IQ than children who are happy with their families.
Depression and a desire to end their lives are often the choice for children who long suffered physical violence. They often consider themselves to no avail.
Refugees in illicit drugs and commit criminal acts as pelampiasan due to failure of parents' role as primary educators.
Impact of physical violence in infants and children not temporary, if continues, will have cut the heart of physical and psychological wounds that forever imprint on their lives.

Stop violence in infants and children! Beloved deserves to get the love, not a slap or punishment from their parents and others.

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