
Flat Stomach Secrets

Flat Stomach Secrets by Expat Desi Girls

These real-life experiences of all people: there are days when you feel bloated stomach, as if a giant swell like a balloon. Since you also understand that pie eating peaches at a time three-piece meal rather than a great idea, so, certainly not the cause. Then what? Why after regular exercise and eat with orderly, you are still having trouble buttoning pants?

"The main cause of belly fat is not the size of food portions. That must be considered is the type of food that diasup. Eating certain foods are poorly digested by the stomach and intestines from the stomach to swell so full of gas," said Christine Gerbstadt, MD, RD, an expert diet of Sarasota, Florida, who is also spokesman for the American Dietetic Association. "Certain materials that are difficult to digest as it passes through the large intestine will be in contact with intestinal bacteria which then causes it to produce gas and can make your stomach feels so uncomfortable." A study from the University of Utah in Salt Lake City concluded that approximately 20 percent of adults experience the sensation of bloating it. "And that number could be bigger. In my experience, female patients complained of abdominal bloating have experienced at least once within a certain period, "said dr. Gerbstadt. "The good news, with a simple diet and lifestyle changes little, belly fat can be avoided.".....

Flat Stomach Secrets

Follow these tips below and get a flat stomach ... forever!

Do not be lazy to move

If you find clothes at the waist narrows after dinner, go home, do brisk walking for about 10 minutes. "Physical activity helps remove gas from the abdominal organs of digestion more quickly," said Dr. Gerbstadt. Well, this gas will be very annoying if you take it easy on the couch after eating. So, it's better to move than the rest. Do not forget, the days that make your party a big meal, avoid sports is the worst idea. Swedish researchers believe that the minor body work, such as 30 minutes of cycling three times a week, will eradicate the discomfort in the stomach and ease the process of disposal.

Familiar with Probiotics

Sometimes flatulence is caused by an imbalance of bacteria in the gut. "This may happen when you have to take antibiotic drugs, especially for diseases of the urinary tract or sinus infection," explains Sita Chokhavatia, MD, a gastroenterologist at Mount Sinai School of Medicine in New York City. Probiotics can maintain the balance of intestinal bacteria. According to research in Northwestern University, Bifid bacterium infants is a probiotic species that has been proven to relieve bloating. Dr. Chokhavatia recommends taking Probiotics for two weeks before it proves its worth.

Limit milk

One in ten adults cannot digest lactose, and flatulence can be caused by this. Thus the results of research at Baylor College of Medicine in 2009. If you suspect that milk, yogurt, and other products made from cow's milk as the culprit of abdominal bloating, and do not need necessarily to stop consumption, because of course you still need a vitamin content of milk, such as calcium and protein. After investigation by the National Institutes of Health, it is evident that someone is lactose-intolerance can still digest 12 grams of lactose equivalent to a cup of milk, without having to experience side effects. "Someone who is allergic to lactose should set the time consumption of milk throughout the day. For example, half a glass of milk for breakfast with cereal in the morning, then a piece of cheese with biscuits in the afternoon, "says Tara Gidus, RD, a nutritionist from Orlando, Florida. He added, "Pick a product that is processed yoghurt or cheese, cheddar or provolone experts, because this type is more easily digested." If it's your body simply can not accept lactose as evidenced by abdominal bloating after eating even a little, immediately switch to lactose-free products.

Breathe slowly

Never experienced it: feeling desperate to go to the toilet just before the marathon starts? It feels like time to start an important presentation. Well, that is, you are experiencing anxiety and affect drainage. "When under the anxiety, the body secretes hormones cortisol and adrenaline, which then triggers the digestive work harder," an explanation of Yuri Saito, MD, health expert at the Mayo Clinic Rochester, Minnesota. As a result, the stomach feels full of gas, bloating, and it was full to urge you immediately to the toilet. Additional factors to consider: when stressed, a person may want to chew and eat non-stop or something 'wrong' that would like to add energy to the digestion in order to work harder.

As a result the stomach to be problematic. If it is stress that triggers your stomach so uncomfortable, how to prevent it can be done through behavioral therapy or hypnotherapy. A Canadian study in 2009 proved that the therapy is effective alignment of thought and action to overcome digestive syndromes, such as poor bowel movements and bloating. Meditation can also be an option. Which is easier to catch his breath? Breathe slowly through your nose can calm the mind. Practice breathing every day. The trick: sitting in a quiet and tranquil place, close your eyes, inhale slowly through your nose, just slowly count to ten, exhale through the mouth, too slowly. Repeat up to ten times. Concentrate on breathing dam upright seating position.

Do not forget the fiber

Lots of cereal ad that claims its products is high in fiber. Naturally, if you then think the exact product is consumed. "Unfortunately, in fact, some products add fiber content of processed chicory root, or inulin, which is more difficult to digest the gut," said Kristin Kirkpatrick, RD, manager for the Cleveland Clinic wellness Lifestyle 180. A person who consumed large amounts of inulin in a single asup, for example, 10 grams, will experience more frequent flatulence conditions that consume less than inulin. This study from the University of Minnesota in Saint Paul. The solution: the consumption of natural fiber, from fruits and vegetables, or rice that is milled. Consumption of whole grain bread or whole wheat pasta is healthier than processed high-fiber products factory. From now on, always read food labels carefully on the packaging of your favorite cereal, if it contains chicory fiber, it is likely that the product contains inulin.

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