
Flat Stomach Secrets II

Flat Stomach Secrets by Pakistani Desi Girl

Replace contraception

Shaped contraceptive pills containing estrogen taken orally that triggers the adrenal gland produces fluid to suppress the hormone. Such information from Mary Jane Minkin, MD, clinical professor in the Department of Obstetrics, Gynecology and Reproduction at the Yale School of Medicine. Indeed, the reaction of the body comes back to each individual, because users experience different methods of contraception. Some women do not trouble taking pills, while others suddenly feel bloated when I started taking birth control pills. If you are experiencing including indigestion because of birth control pills, maybe you could try another brand, which does not contain drospirenone. This substance is suspected to cause bloating because it also serves to launch the bladder. Journal Contraception reports that about 70 percent of women who experience bloating while taking birth control pills, most reported that their complaints disappeared after six months to change the brand of pills. Drospirenone may raise potassium in the body, and therefore would not be appropriate for those who have been taking supplements potassium.

Wary of sugar

Most of the products beverages and sugar-sweetened candy without sorbitol. "Although fewer calories, sorbitol cannot be digested, to trigger the glands in the stomach enzymes work harder," says Gidus. When patients with complaints of abdominal bloating are advised to consume foods and no sugar-free sorbitol, nearly half of them stopped having symptoms of flatulence. FDA regulations require manufacturers to write a warning in the label if any side effects due to consumption of more than 50 grams of sorbitol. In fact, consumption of 10 grams only have stomach problems. And make no mistake, sorbitol is often consumed without knowing it, because a candy can contain 1225 grams of this substance........

Reduce the fat

After eating onion rings Friday evening, how on Saturday afternoon still feel there's onion rings in the stomach it? It is highly unlikely given the high fat diet can be retained in the stomach longer, which then causes the stomach feel full. An Australian study found a clear relationship between diet and the symptoms experienced by women protruding belly. "I find some woman who thinks her body cannot digest lactose because he felt abdominal bloating after eating ice cream. After investigation, instead of milk in ice cream, "said Kirkpatrick. Not that you then avoid fat at all. "Foods that contain 'good fat', such as avocados, olive oil and some kind of beans do not trigger the production of gas," said Dr. Gerbstadt. "So, this is always the consumption of good fats in animal products such a high-protein fish or chicken that will help digestion. '

Flat Stomach Secrets II

Eating broccoli

Indeed broccoli can trigger the production of gas in the stomach. But, regularly consume such a gas trigger cabbage or bean sprouts and onions can train your body to adapt. "One of my patients have problems with this product if you eat them in the long run, for example, only once a week," said Kirkpatrick. "It turned out that these reactions arise because they are not used to digesting digestion of these foods, consequently, produce gas and digestive organs stomach so bloated."

Chill out

"Most of my patients is a very busy career woman forced to eat while driving on the way to the office," said Jeanie GazzanigaMoloo, Ph. D., RD, a spokeswoman for the American Dietetic Association. "The thing is, eating on the move means to bribe in large quantities without the perfect chew. So, you are likely to swallow large amounts of food and air. "His advice, spare 15 to 20 minutes for eating, although it did in the car or while walking. "Take a breath in between each bite and chew with your mouth closed. Eat with your mouth closed forcing you to breathe through the nose, which means calm and slow down the bowels. "Furthermore, if you drink, avoid straws that are also easier" infiltrated "the air.

Thorough supplements

If stork calcium supplements, learn first abortion. Calcium carbonate supplements containing the most likely trigger the production of gas because it is more difficult to digest the intestine than calcium citrate supplements contain. The research was released by the National Institutes of Health. Taking supplements with acidic beverages like orange juice or grape juice can help to better absorption of calcium. Many of the complaints leveled flatulence those who consume omega-3 supplements. "Try a supplement to the refrigerator, and consumption in the cold. Cold supplements suspected cause less gas when consumed. "

Cut sweet

Fructose, a sweetener that can be found in the syrup, honey or soft drinks could be the source of your stomach problems. Three of the four informant’s research at the University of Iowa, which suffered flatulence, was allergic to fructose; it does not mean you should stop eating sweet foods. "No matter if the sweetness is a source of fruit, and its consumption is not done well in one meal. To be avoided are processed foods or beverages made from corn syrup, such as beverages with artificial sweeteners or drink soda, "said Dr. Saito. Bottled fruit juice also can trigger abdominal attacks, because it concentrates more concentrated.


If flatulence accompanied by shortness of breathes, perhaps you are allergic. "If the nose is blocked, you are forced to breathe through the mouth. Which means too much air entering into the stomach, "said Dr. Saito.

Picky about fast food

If you eat Chinese food, healthy choices could have been a vegetable stew. "But be alert, because a lot of vegetables such as bok choy, which can produce gas. So there is an easy fit for your gas, "said Jackie Keller, nutrition expert who frequently deal with Hollywood celebrities.

Avoid salt

You have often heard this: salt causes the body to store water. Good if you are preparing to join the marathon. But if you're trying to reduce waist circumference, should avoid salt. "The largest source is usually a salad dressing that was served at the restaurant," said Keller. If you want to be safe, ask the waiter to separate from the vegetable sauce, or better, just ask the olive oil to your salad.

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