
Do not let the Body Affected by Dehydration When Practicing Yoga

Bangladeshi Girl Doing Yoga

Yoga has become a global lifestyle. Exercise that originated in India is increasingly popular as an option exercise as well as meditation for physical and mental health. Yoga is an exercise that is easy and anyone can do. However, you need to understand that while practicing yoga you must keep your body hydrated so you can get the best benefits of yoga exercises.

Do not let the Body Affected by Dehydration When Practicing Yoga

Here are tips to keep your body hydrated during practice yoga

One way to stay hydrated during yoga is to drink enough water before doing yoga. The body needs enough water to stay energetic and alert throughout the exercise. 2-3 glasses of water before exercise will help you stay hydrated and energized during exercise.
If you want to drink a few sips of water in between exercises, prepare the water near you. Put your water in a container that is easy to use. Do not use drinking water that can create noise and disturb the peace of your yoga class.
Green tea is an example of beverages that can cause your body to stay hydrated during practice yoga. Follow the two steps above if you want green tea consumption during exercise. In addition to helping the body stay hydrated, green tea is also a useful antioxidant enriched to increase endurance.
To get a fresh sensation when adequate water body, you can get it from grape juice. Grape juice are rich in vitamin C which is equipped with bioflavonoid to enhance the immune system. The sensation of fresh grape juice is also useful to increase your energy.
You need to know, that there are some symptoms that may occur when the body is dehydrated, such as dizziness, dry mouth, and muscle cramps. When the body dehydrating humidity will be reduced as much as 2%, this means you should immediately replace the lost fluids by drinking enough water.
Dehydration is a common condition that can have a major impact on health and performance while practicing yoga, especially if the exercise you do have a long enough duration. Therefore, cukupilah your body's need for water before, during, and after exercise to practice yoga you are doing the maximum benefit for your health.

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