
Makeup Mistakes When You Use Foundation

Desi Girl With Light Makeup

Not always can improve the appearance of our foundation, may actually destroy it. Ouch! There are two kinds of foundation, liquid and cream is often used to be the basis of face makeup to look more like a clean canvas and we are free to be creative applying makeup on the face. Unfortunately, that should improve our appearance, even sometimes the mess due to some errors that occur. Hmm ... what the heck is wrong to mess up the appearance?

Makeup Mistakes When You Use Foundation

Shading error

When you wish to give the impression of tapering in some way, are generally used shading effects. Unfortunately, not always shading looks fit and beautiful. Especially when the clot in some of the side and even too flashy. Make the skin so it does not look natural and like a mask.

Foundation is too dark or bright

Due to lack of confidence ultimately you choose a foundation with a dark color, as a result, the face so it looks dull. And there are times when the chosen foundation is too light, make a face so pale like a mask.

Always remember, that the foundation did not give the impression like bronzer that can be attached and customize the appearance of any skin color. Foundation to be used shall be according to skin color, so it can shut down and stick to natural, and does not look flashy like he was wearing a mask.

Wearing too much foundation

Avoid wearing too much foundation if you do not want to say pretty fake.

The use of foundation that is too much not only disrupts the appearance, but also makes him so ilfeel because we look like a doll.

Foundation and powder are less suitable

It is advisable to wear powder and foundation of the same brand, because in general the color is appropriate and easy to blend. Often looks chaotic appearance when foundation and powder color is not able to blend in, so it looks like there is something wrong and like there is going to mask off of the skin.

Do not forget; also adjust the selection of foundation to your skin type in order to maximize the usage.

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