
Gentle With Natural Lip Scrub

Beautiful Desi Girl Face

Ever experienced something that sucks? When your new lipstick, what happens is not beautiful lumps on the lips because the lips are cracked and peeling. A big disaster . You should not let that happen, any sweet smile will look horrible if your lips are chapped.

Just like other parts of the body, the lips will result in the piling up of dead skin cells. If it continues to accumulate, then the lips will feel thick and eventually flake off. The best way to remove dead skin cells are a scrub. But .. lip is a sensitive body parts, so you must use safe and natural ingredients.

Let's try these lip scrub, all of the ingredients can be found in the kitchen.

A. Mix a quarter teaspoon of sugar with half a teaspoon of olive oil.

2. Take the mixture and rub gently on the lips. Gently rub continue until there is loose skin. Skin peeling off it's time that will not cause pain or burning when removed.

3. If the skin is soft, and do not stop rubbing imposed when the skin is only slightly raised.

3. Rinse mouth with water to clean the sugar and bits of dead skin cells. Pat dry with paper towels.

4. Rub your lips with lipbalm or thin petroleum jelly to keep the humidity.

Scrub your lips can do every single week. You can also do it once a day in the bath with the aid of a soft baby toothbrush. Your lips will feel smooth and soft. Good luck!

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