
10 Ritual Beauties the Men Do Not Understand

Punjabi Girl in Flowers

Never reprimand by a pair of action because of the grooming ritual that makes you wince? One of them may at grooming that usually made him to sleep on the sofa. Eh, but there are 10 other beauty rituals that were 'not understood' by the men you know, like...

Ritual Beauties the Men Do Not Understand

1. Wearing high heels size 10 cm or more

One way to get around the height of minimalism is to wear high heels. However, if your heels over 10 cm, do not be surprised if he so protest.
Imagine you are walking on the 'thing' more than 10 cm tall that it made him cringe. For men who never wear heels, especially stilettos, you look like I'm wearing enggrang. It even automatically alert you to quickly capture the moment you step. And, it turns out it did not make him comfortable you know.

2. Liquid eyeliner

In fact for you, eyeliner is very helpful is it? But the difference for men, see you daub eyeliner makes them wonder, why do have to wear eyeliner? After all, by not wearing eyeliner, eye still looks fine.

3. False eyelashes

Some men may know the reason you wear false eyelashes, but others do not. In their minds, if you already have eyelashes, why must wear any additional false eyelashes?

4. Change clothes more than 2 times a day

Attend some important event; you carry a special bag containing makeup and fashion. And he made you surprised by the rush to change clothes after changing event.
"Which makes wonder, why not wear the hell wrote that? Why must change, yet there are people who do not know well. Even if they know, I think it's also not a problem?" - Revi, 31 years

5. Improve makeup this morning

Of course it is important for you to correct back to makeup morning. There are still lots of people you'll meet today. Still, it made him wonder, Ladies.

6. Bring the clutch

"A small bag, clutch, ah ... whatever it's called, even a cell phone just will not fit in it. So why bring the bag?" - Ewin, 28 years

7. Have a complete makeup bag with its contents

Saw a small bag in your bag filled with makeup that made him wonder sometimes. Quite often comments like "you want to sell, Beb?" It came from his lips.
Well, he had never understood what the purpose of our beauty rituals.

8. Carrying a large bag

"Kirain where she's going to carry a big bag so, it turns out it was just that-it wrote. Should wear a smaller bag that could have ..." - Kevin, 34 years
Haha ... yes, indeed. That is in the minds of men. But, it's not just a fashion item only. That is the style!

9. Wearing a variety of hair care products

Complicated! Maybe that's what he had in mind when we use a variety of hair care products. Not enough shampoo, we use the conditioner, toning, anti-firzz, straightening gel, mousse and curling, etc., which are not understood them.
However, it is enough reason for us, because in women, hair is a crown that needs to be given maintenance plus.

10. Wearing a variety of skin care products

This latter bit is not also a man who visited the clinic using a variety of beauty and skin care products. But, basically men are reluctant complicated. And see us use cleanser, toner, cream morning and night cream made her shake her head.
Ladies, do not be discouraged trigger first. Wonder they sometimes are quite reasonable, because they never did, that's all. If you explain the purpose of your ritual, slowly they will understand why.

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